Hard-Core-DX.com: BBC Singapore/Oman

BBC Singapore/Oman

Thursday, June 29 2023

Some more updates from yesterday's HFCC file (28 June 2023):

Radio Ergo, 12-13 UTC 21595 via UAE: An END date was entered: 29 June - so today was the last broadcast of this Kenyan-Somali station? Or will it re-appear on good old 17680? But beware, Encompass/BBC sometimes change the end date of a registration, only to undo that change a few days later with no real-life effects. My best guess is this reflects some internal formalities, unless they want to play games with SW listkeepers.

- The starting date for the new Oman frequencies is moved from 15 July to 16 July
- More frequencies are registered to start on 16 July 2023. Each of them seems to replace a Singapore registration. It looks like they are indeed in the process of finding replacements for Singapore, and register them step by step:

5875 Tinian 1530-1600 (Mo-Fr) Korean, replacing 12095-SNG
5875 Tinian 1630-1700 (Mo-Fr) Korean, replacing 12095-SNG
6195 Yerevan 1700-1900 Dari/Pashto, conflicting with current 6195-Oman in English - to enable the new 9550 from Oman in this time period? Maybe English will move to 5970 which is currently used by Oman for Dari/Pashto.
9410 Tashkent 0100-0200 English for South Asia, replacing 17790-SNG
13630 Tashkent 1330-1400 Burmese, in addition to 17515-OMA, these two will replace 7465 and 9585
15185 Tashkent 0800-0900 English DRM to South Asia, replacing 17720-SNG

Disclaimer - this is still speculation, based on the appearance of those new registrations in combination with previous rumours. The Singapore registrations have still not been changed.

Wiesbaden, Germany

Am 25.06.2023 um 15:15 schrieb Eike Bierwirth:

The latest HFCC registration file dated 21 June 2023 shows some new Oman frequencies for the BBC starting on 15 July. They appear to be planned as replacements for transmissions that currently come from Singapore, which would somewhat support recent rumours about a pending closure of the Singapore relay site. The Singapore registrations have not been modified (their end date is still given as 29 Oct), but that may happen later.

New Oman frequencies starting 15 July:
 9550 1700-1900 Dari and Pashto, possibly replacing the Singapore outlet currently on 11735
11685 1300-1400 English, currently in use by Singapore
11995 1400-1700 Dari and Pashto, currently in use by Singapore
17515 1330-1400 Burmese, possibly replacing one of the Singapore outlets, currently on 7465 and 9585

The remaining registered Singapore frequencies are not affected (yet).

Wiesbaden, Germany

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