Hard-Core-DX.com: Looking for a decent Software VOX recorder

Looking for a decent Software VOX recorder

Sunday, June 25 2023

Expanding my horizons in Masset, I've added a RSPdx to the mixture of
remote receivers that I have there. The beauty of the RSPdx is it's wide
spectrum including the FM band. I added a nice Yagi antenna, courtesy of
Patrick Martin from Seaside OR. Initially, I had it up about 25 or 30 feet
off the ground, and rotating it, I was pleased to receive 3 or 4 Ketchikan
stations (about 150 km to the north), 5 or 6 Prince Rupert stations
(slightly closer to the east), and the 3 CBC outlets on the Islands, as
well as very low power translators of commercial stations in Masset.
Mostly, though, the band is pretty empty, which makes for the possibility
of receiving meteor scatter and e-skip on FM.
I've experimented with leaving the squelch out and just recording for
hours on-end, and indeed, signals do come in for a few seconds at a time,
but this is very tedious. Alternatively, I've tried squelch and feeding
the signal into my Total Recorder Pro. Unfortunately, this otherwise great
software for recording does not have a VOX option, so this means scrolling
(actually clicking) 30 second intervals over up to 24 hours of recording to
locate those tiny spikes in signals. There has to be a better way. Does
anyone have any suggestions regarding a good VOX (voice activated)
recorder...software that is? Also, are there any groups out there
devoted to e-skip and meteor scatter FM DXing?

73, Walt
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