Hard-Core-DX.com: log June 21

log June 21

Thursday, June 22 2023

Log of June 21, 18.30 to 19.00 UT taken in Europe, Greece, Switzerland,
Poland and Netherlands.

17840even F__ DWL Cologne rent-in to TDF Issoudun nice lowered 250 kW
transmitter installation with excellent technical finish, not to compare
with the faulty 150kW unit for WRMI Jeff White's Cuban opposition radio on
nightly 9490kHz various variable R Républica tx unit. S=9+10dB at 18.34 UT.
Endless DWL Sudan annmt in Arabic. 15275 kHz S=9+25dB continously
annmts, like freq, time, px content and purpose.

Same technical data for DWL Cologne program in Hausa towards West Africa
on 17800even kHz.

15160even ALG RTA Ourgla in Sahel Arabic, S=9 at 18.38 UT.

15400even ASC BBC London in En at 18.40 UT, S=9+15dB signal strength.

15459.988 STP USAGM Pinheira Sao Tome of VoA Zimbabwe special, 18-19,
S=8 signal at 18.42 UT.

15520even ESP REE Noblejas, S=9+35dB at 18.43 UT on June 21.

15660even U.K. VoA Amharic via ENC Woofferton at 18.45 UT, {only via WOF
at this 18-19 hour, remainings via Pinheira-STP USAMC relay site, wb.}
S=9+25dB proper signal.

15190even PHL R Pilipinas Manila, in relay via USAGM Tinang-PHL site,
daily 17.30-19.30 UT towards Middle East foreign workers audience,
S=8-9 into Europe at 18.47 UT.

15200even ROU RRI Galbeni bcast center, in Romanian lang at 17.00-19.57UT
S=9+10dB at 18.48 UT. European Football Soccer report of GB, ESP, F__, ITA
and and the for several years suffering performance weakened football
soccer German DFL league.

15215even F__ DWL Cologne progr in Hausa to West AF, S=9+15dB at 18.49 UT

15245.240v MUCH ODD FQ transmission of KRE Voice of Korea from Kujang,
200 kW unit at 18.00-18.57 UT, S=9+10dB.

15265even U.K. KBS World Seoul in Russian, 18-19 UT, S=9+25dB proper
signal at 18.51 UT, via ENC Woofferton-England 300 kW unit.

15300even F__ RFI Paris in French 18-19 UT, S=9+20dB signal, clean audio.

15340.010 CHN CNR1 jamming stn program against TWN SOH at other times of
the day, 18.52 UT on June 21.

15400even ASC BBC London via Ascension Island in En, S=9+15dB at 18.53 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 21)

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