Hard-Core-DX.com: Logs for 16 /6

Logs for 16 /6

Sunday, June 18 2023

Logs for 16 /

In the mountains of Thessaloniki  usingR75 with 2x16m Λ antennahttps://zliangaslogs.wordpress.com/2023/06/18/logs-for-16-6/

7325 IRIB in Albanian 1910  with news S20
6250 VoP -> N Korea 1931 with talks  sigalmixed with the slot machine
5995  unusually poor signal from Mali  1933 mixed with another signal pres EoHope
15140 RHCuba ? 1938 with talks in Eng Max signal at S3
15245 VoKorea 1939 with typical Korean operas S3 max
15920 CNR hammer against SOH 1941 with talx in CC S3-4 max
5830 V Iran 1947 with talsk in Farsi 1947. S10 max
5960 VoTurkey with talks in TT S10 low modulation
6070 Tumbril with opera music S3 max
6130 ?? 1955 with pop songs S5 max  andQSB R Europa per eibi
6160 SWR Gold 1918  with songs fo the80s  talk in ENgish with Abba?  S8
6180 DWD 2002 with meteo info S7 also //5905
6050 Xizang PBS Lhasa 2088  good // 7240at S9

6208   CIS 12 signal idling at 1930
6617 russian meteo  1930 meteo info withS7 max signal
6675L greek operators in QSO  speain witheveryting under the sun <S7
7050 the radio war between UK and RU continues again !  2-3 ops in the frequency

1680  with Slavic songs  1920with continuous song chorus mixup  in S5

In the mountains of Thessaloniki  using R75 with 2x16m Λ antenna



7325 IRIB in Albanian 1910  with news S20

6250 VoP > N Korea 1931 with talks  sigal mixed with the slot machine

5995 unusually poor signal from Mali  1933mixed with another signal pres EoHope

15140 RHCuba ? 1938 with talks in Eng Max signalat S3

15245 VoKorea 1939 with typical Korean operasS3 max

15920 CNR hammer against SOH 1941 with talx inCC S3-4 max

5830 V Iran 1947 with talsk in Farsi 1947.  S10 max

5960 VoTurkey with talks in TT S10 low modulation

6070 Tumbril with opera music S3 max

6130 ?? 1955 with pop songs S5 max  and QSB R Europa per eibi

6160 SWR Gold 1918  with songs fo the 80s  talk in ENgish with Abba?  S8

6180 DWD 2002 with meteo info S7 also //5905

6050 Xizang PBS Lhasa 2088  good // 7240 at S9



6208   CIS 12 signal idling at 1930

6617 russian meteo  1930 meteo info with S7 max signal

6675L greek operators in QSO  speain with everyting under the sun <S7

7050 the radio war between UK and RU continues again!  2-3 ops in the frequency


1680  withSlavic songs  1920with continuous song chorusmixup  in S5

Zacharias Liangas

Hard  core DXer https://youtu.be/8VJ__oppkLs the pool
https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writinghttps://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages

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