Hard-Core-DX.com: LOGS ON 1 /4

LOGS ON 1 /4

Monday, April 03 2023

April 1 .4

Denge welat wandering
Using my RSP1a for ca 3 hours to record the behavior of denge welat and on how TRT is chasing them with the poor signal an carrier--  1/4 /23
15490 is VoA Tibetan  the strong signal is Welat and the poor is from the so called Erdogan

R Cairo on 9850:
Signal in Thessaloniki and with reduced QRN Noise due to fiber lines the signal is -66 max with ca 50db RMS  and somehow distorted but good audio with talk in Arabic and on 1841 with Arabic song fr just 15 seconds then back to talks 1844 with clip form the song 'i just called to say i love you'  then with a Turkish song
Video to test in binaural https://youtu.be/WMMo08BRlZk

9940 TWR with English program on 1853
This is a religious program today 1/4 (no jokes!) with man talking ID was in the end of the program.Signal -65dbm  The address is in Johannesburg  Program continued till  1903  with gap for 10 seconds then starting from Eswati with IS with ID with  program in Lingala. 

9425 VoKorea QRMed by a CIS 12 mode
Jut another clear freq now QRMed by a ute his time with a signal CIS 12 centered on 9420.7 VoK is today on 9425.016 Program in German
9875 in English 1918 with the same songs ..
Both are overloaded

9976  a USA type OTHR in the band Just -105dbm at 1928  with sporadic transmissions
9745 CRI 1930 in Esperanto with ID ‘parola  em pekino ‘ -35 dbm
9620 AIR still singing on 1931 with IS
9675 R Saudi intl with program in Indonesia with -65dbm signal and rather news 
7325 CRI in noted Serbian with ID then with national hymn (?)  IDed on 2004  then with  traditional Chinese song -hymn with ‘metallic; female voice -55dbm and -35dbm in Twente . 

9720  n harmonic of a local pirate at 1947  NO parallels in the MW band

Zacharias Liangas

Music Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut  and Beyond via R Angela 5130kHz
GMR: 5130 0230-0300 every Sat   /D&B 0350-0400 Friday the 4th week of month

Hard  core DXer https://youtu.be/8VJ__oppkLs the pool
https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writinghttps://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages

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