Hard-Core-DX.com: RE - Glenn's log March 26 - Echo of Hope - VOH

RE - Glenn's log March 26 - Echo of Hope - VOH

Monday, March 27 2023

KOREA's LOG at 18 UTC, Sunday March 27th

VoP all S=9+35dB in Hiroshima Akitakata Japan remotedly,

mostly bubble jammed by communist KRE P5_land

- rice food suffering country.

3480.007 18.18 UT KRE bubble jammed.

3910.006 18.20 UT

3930.010 18.22 UT

3985.013 18.26 UT BUZZ tone jammed broadband jamming block

scratch mix 3977 and 3993 kHz.

4450even VoP S=9+35dB powerhouse, 18.28 UTC, and 4449.969 kHz

jammed by KRE. Heavy howling sirene tone.

4560.013 S=9+35dB signal at 18.29 UT.

4885.004 EoH noise jammed by KRE at 18.31 UT S=9+30dB powerhouse.

5995.031 EoH S=9+25dB at 18.35 UT. Heavy KRE noise jamming

6249.997 EoH S=9+30dB at 18.37 UT. Heavy KRE tone noise jamming.

6239 to 6261 kHz broadband jamming.

6350.033 EoH heavy at S=9+10dB level at 18.41 UT.

6520.008 VoP - but KRE also jamming heavily S=9+25dB

on this channel, at 18.45 UT.

6600even VoP S=9+15dB at 18.47 UT, also KRE noise jamming.

9099.995 formerly, now on new

7719.996 EoH from KOR, S=8 signal noted in Akitakata Hiroshima

JPN, not jammed at 18.10 UT on March 27.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]

(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 27)

From: Ron Howard
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2023 11:09 PM

Subject: [WOR] RE - Glenn's log March 26 - Echo of Hope - VOH

> ** KOREA SOUTH. 9100, March 26 at 1523, no signal here nor 9095 nor 9105. Ron Howard says Echo of Hope has
> left 9 MHz for 7720, also tried others on 7 MHz. 9100+/- was useful propagation check (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

Hi Glenn,

March 26 (Sunday) - Yes, from 0723 to 0755 UT, heard Echo of Hope - VOH, still on 7720 kHz. (ex: 9100); the weekend
only reading of a portion today from Chapter 14 of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (segment starting with "Elixir
of Life, which will make the drinker immortal"); program starts and ends with the same theme music; fair reception; too
early for the other frequencies. https://www.ircambridge.com/books/Book1-Harry-Potter-and-the-Sorcerers-Stone.pdf
contains the whole book online.

Seems perhaps VOH has permanently settled on this new frequency?

BTW - Radio Vanuatu not heard on any of their usual frequencies from 0645+ UT, March 26.

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