Hard-Core-DX.com: �tf-8?q?MW logs via Wessex kSDR 17/12

�tf-8?q?MW logs via Wessex kSDR 17/12

Monday, December 19 2022

Via Wessex

1655  at 1625 with nice old songs : hose of rising sun , ther reaper from BOC with signal -65dbm There is a annoying  carrer on the -4 kHz with -75dbm which risen to -65 at 1628 while the 1655 was fallen on -72 and returned to -55 dbm at 1629 with a rock son g of 60s style of Elvis Presley The 1655 produces a wide splatter in ±15kHz bandwidth Still on 1929 with country song but clear pass band with -65dbm The man started a long self chatter with continuous chat at ‘Who knows’ on the mike with background music
https://app.box.com/s/uxy1kwynp17ntfz3pwn8dhht3l5le8nn  ; binaural reception

1395 NL  bomb signal from a Netherlands pirate at 1638 with good pop song then with ‘everything I do’  then with AC DC after some short talks on the song titles. ‘This is pop sounds’ ID at 1645 as Seebreeze Clouseau is referred in the next song and hotel California after a new IS audio clip.   Signal  at -55 dbm max with fadeout to -90bm Armenia signal under him..
A better ID Seebreeze heard on 1701

1035 poss Lyca Dise R 1832 with talk in Hindiglish with IDs
Not Lyca(?) on 1458 then returned back to 1035 with Hindi songs at 1834 with -95dbm . Note that SynchUSB reception adds more than 6 db audio! Some splatter QRM from 1026 BBC

1062 Country music  1840 Czechia! with old countries  killing the poor signal of TRT1 two minutes ago when CR-Cz faded out fully 1846 with -80 dbm signal when it was mixed up with TRT https://app.box.com/s/jwfuiespkaqfpmx7qzof7h4cz5oogyu5

1512 SBR or? Mixed with poss SBA Kuran At 1901 with un-clear ID as Bliack list (?)  and  emaila adress in UK but most times later S Arabia gets stronger

1521 CRI in Russian (??)  1911 with Chinese traditional music and OM YL with promo program
1550 I can suppose the RASD is back 1915+. Jut a short check on highly congested canary islands kSDR shows a S7 signal with traditional songs with a carrier at 1552 Although so poor, reception is more than good

1650 Cross Corsen Radio in USB in French with ID and transmission schedule

Zacharias Liangas
Hard Core Radio monitor and gear tester

https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writing
https://bit.ly/34NEBpc ; why SDR is better
https://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages

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