Hard-Core-DX.com: today's 18/12 short timed receptions via kSDRs and locally

today's 18/12 short timed receptions via kSDRs and locally

Sunday, December 18 2022

7780 WRMI with RRIndonesia at 0801z+  tested at Misuri kSDR with -80dbm with lots of QRN

-Clearer signal at Maui Hawai at -90 dbm but moderate QRN and
-even better at Wessex UK at -90dbm in his delta loop with even less noise  
“form Jakarta …” at 0802 after the hymn  with the well known strong R as pronounced asfar as ai remember them older times Afterwards with English songs

-Nabire on 7290 with -90dbm as noticed in Maui Also with western song

11665 Wai FM as heard in Philippines with-70dbm at 0815 no signal on 9835
2368 Symban at -80dbm on 0820 vai hunter valley . So signal in Rotorua NZL
Also 5020 via same kSDR Solomon Islands with someone talking about his life-70dbm  

Local SDr in THS:
Right now Erdogan wins the signal battle centered on 11540.01  Here are two screenshots of high close up oftheir signal and RWMoscow for reference at ca 1040z Note: Local receptionThessaloniki !!!


Zacharias Liangas
Hard Core Radio monitor gear tester /GMR music programmer

https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writing
https://bit.ly/34NEBpc ; why SDR is better
https://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages

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