Hard-Core-DX.com: Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for November 21(part 1 )

Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for November 21(part 1 )

Monday, November 21 2022

DXing America,s SDR,s (Remotely)
Submissions are in Chronological Order as they were heard

** Tajikistan
15665 khz (0646z) Radio Free Europe Speaking in Tibetan via Dushanbe-
ORZU with a S5 signal into W1NT rSDR Newton,NH.USA verified thru rSDR
Vadodra,India Nov.21,2022 GaryPence,Km5x,TX

15620 khz (0650-0655z) C.R.Inter.Speaking Italian broadcasting from
Kashi-Saibagh far NW china with a S7 signal into W1NT rSDR Newton,NH.
abrupt sign off 0657z.Nov.21,2022 GaryPence,Km5x,TX.

** Ascension Island
11830 Khz (0700z-0800z)B.B.C.WS Speaking English Om and YL talking
about the worldCup.with a good S9 signal into KFS Omni rSDR Half Moon
Bay,California USA Nov.21,2022 GaryPence,Km5x,TX.

** Nigeria
7254.933 khz (0710z-0715z)OM and YL speaking Fulfulde Broadcasting
from Abuja-Lugbe with a S9+10db undermodulated signal then a Loss of
Signal at 0721Z heard into N.UTAH East Antenna rSDR Corinne,UT USA
Nov.21,2022 GaryPence,km5x,TX.

** New Zealand
13755 khz (0731z-0735z) R.N.Z.International OM talking about news and
Current events with a good S9+20/25db signal into N.Utah Omni Ant.rSDR
Corinne,UT.USA Nov.21,2022 GaryPence,Km5x,TX.

** Kirimati
846 khz 0739z JBA detectected with qrm low side 840 khz into Northern
Utah SDR Corinne,UT.USA Nov.21,2022 GP,km5x,TX.

** TAIWAN and China
11815 khz (0746z)R.Taiwan Inter.Speaking Chinese competing with CNR1 china
Kashi-Saibagh also on 11815 khz Taiwan comming thru a little better
Into KPH rSDR Point Reyes,CA.USA Nov.21,2022 GP,Km5x,TX.

** France
11700 khz (0750-0800z signoff) Radio France Inter.speaking french
Broadcasting from Issoudun with a S8 signal into KPH rSDR Point Reyes,
CA.USA Nov.21,2022 GP/Km5x,DASr

** Vanuatu
3945 khz (0808z) R.Vanuatu Island music playing OMand YL speaking bislama
With NO second or third harmonic heard Signal on 3945khz was S7 into
KFS Southwest Antenna Half Moon Bay,CA USA Nov.21,2022'GP/km5x,DASr

4835 khz (0832z)Shortwave Australia Speaking English ID at 0831z
Playing music(Beatles)"Strawberry Feilds" 0831-0834z with a S7
Signal from Bendigo just Northwest of Melbourne into KFS NW rSDR
H.M.Bay,CA.USA Nov.21,2022 GaryPence,km5x,DASr,Tx

** Australia
5055 khz Station(4KZ) Speaking English playing pop music from New
South Wales ID at 0839-40utc with a S7,S8 signal into KFS SW
H.M.Bay,CA.Nov.21,2922 GaryPence,km5x,DASr,Tx.

** Mongolia
12084.874 (0900z-0928z) OM and YL Speaking English afer 1 minute of
Interval and ID with a weak to fair Signal Signal into KFS omni Half
Moon Bay,CA.Nov.21,2022 GaryPence,km5x,DASr,Tx

** South Korea
3480 khz (1017z) Voice of the People YL speaking korean broadcasting
from Kyonggi-do Koyang just Northwest of Seol with a S7,S8 signal
Into H.M.Bay,CA USA Nov.21,2022 GP,km5x,DASr,Tx.

9840 khz (1000z-1030z)Voice of Vietnam English program with they
have a memorable Interval signal with a S9+10db signal into KFS
SDR H.M.Bay,CA,Nov.21,2022 GaryPence,km5x,DASr,Tx.

** Philippines
9825 khz(1032z) Voice of America Speaking Chinese from Tinang with
a warbled S9+5/10db signal into KFS H.M.Bay,CA.Nov.21,2022 GP,km5x,TX.

9750 khz (1150z) NHK World JAPAN OM and YL Speaking Japanese with
a good S9+5db signal into KFS SW.rSDR H.M.Bay,CA.Nov.21,2022 GP,Km5x

** KFS SDR Half Moon Bay Northwest Antenna is not working properly
Since October 21 ST,
and I have talked to Rob AI6VN who plans to drive out there today or
tomarrow to acces and repair,hopefully it wont be too serious.When
the NW Ant is working correctly its one of the best in the USA. I
guess all the people using WSPR are still getting results anyway.I
guess they have that x-tra 28db to work with...

** Dispatched 1110z
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