Hard-Core-DX.com: Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for October 26th (part 2)

Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for October 26th (part 2)

Wednesday, October 26 2022

DXing America,s SDR,s (REMOTELY)
Submissions Are in Chronological Order as they were heard

** United kingdom
3955 khz(DRM)BBCWS brocasting English digital signal from wooferton
with a solid S7 signal w/100% decoding playing world news and sports
at (0553z)Into W1NT rSDR Newton,NH GaryPence,km5x,TX.

** New Zealand
9700 Khz (0625z)R.N.Z.International OM Speaking English about new
Movies that have recently come out usally california has a better
Signal but at this time signal has peaked at S9+20db,-50dbm into
K1RA/KW4VwouldA rSDR Warrenton,VA.NR Washington,DC.He use a 45' vertical
wire since bad WX took out his Antennas this past JUNE.The Vert.is
doing real well at present.Oct.26,2022 GaryPence,km5x,TX.

** United Kingdom
9885 khz (0625z) V.of America broadcasting french from Wooferton
with a good S+12db,-60dbm signal into K1RA/KW4VA rSDR Warrenton,VA.
Oct.26,2022 GaryPence,km5x,TX.

9664.968 (0635z) R.Voz Missionaria brocasting Portuguese fairly stable
Playing musical balads featuring the piano with a S8 signal into
K1RA/K1VA rSDR Warrenton,VA.Oct.26,2022 GaryPence,km5x,TX.

** Vanuatu
(0829z)Radio Vauuatu brodcasting in bislama copied better on the
Lower frequencies at this time into KFS Southwest Antenna H.M.Bay,CA
3945 khz - S9+5db
7890 khz - S8,S9
11835 khz- S5

** Uzbekistan(Tashkent)??
11620 Khz Voice of Martyrs korea broadcasting Religious programing
In English from Tashkent?? More like Kununurra ,Even all the other times I
have researched this Signal it is 15db to 20db over S9 with
No warble or longpath flutter the signal is more similar to 11825 khz
Kununurra less like the S9 warbled flutter signal of AWR via taskent
On 12060 Khz.Received on KFS Southwest Ant.H.M.Bay,CA Oct.26,2022

Dispatched 1535z Oct.26,2022
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