Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs October 15-16, 2022

Glenn Hauser logs October 15-16, 2022

Sunday, October 16 2022

** CUBA. 13740, Oct 15 at 2118, dead air from this RHC at S9+15/25 or
maybe a trace of modulation. Weaker 13680 has S9/+15 of OK mod in
Spanish. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. PAUL HARVEY - The Rest of His Story
Becoming ``The Voice of Middle America`` by Terry Phelps :
pp 9-12 of this excellent magazine, illustrated:

(Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** SRI LANKA. Here`s why I was not hearing 11905 at 0030:

``Found this info on facebook: one transmitter of SLBC is noted off
air since 11 Oct 22. So SLBC 11905, BBC Bangla 9410 and many AWR
channels are not heard. Many AWR programs via 2nd transmitter are
heard as usual. Maurits Van Driessche ON3MK 73, Hard-Core-DX mailing
list`` where attachments are disallowed (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. F2 propagation on the lower bands is pitiful but some more
10m ham beacons, plenty of sporadic E, Oct 15 at 2118-2135; there are
more that I don`t have time to log and research at WI5V, qrz.com:

28202.5 at 2128, KA3BWP/B and lots of VVVs
``28.2025 KA3BWP C STAFFORD, VIRGINIA # 5W, VERTICAL new 13 Sept
STAFFORD, VA 22554, USA --- Licensed since 1978, 10 meter beacon
28.2025, Keying with an Arduino, Me and my BEAUTIFUL Bride``

28222, at 2130, N6DXX/B
``28.222 N6DXX C SACRAMENTO, CA # 5W OCF DIPOLE Changes eff. 7 May
``N6DXX USA flag USA
Anton F "Tony" Leneis, 751 Clipper Wy, Sacramento, CA 95831, USA -- I
operate a 5 Watt 10 meter beacon on 28.222 MHz with the REALISTIC

28249.5, at 2132, E E E E E DE KA3JOE/B CN [or was it FN = PA gridsq]
formally W3ATV 28 Aug 10.``
Joseph W Ciesielski, 1176 Poquessing Avenue, Bensalem, PA 19020, USA
WELCOME TO THE KA3JOE BEACON !! Thanks for tuning in! The KA3JOE
beacon operates continuously on a frequency of 28.248.7 Mhz, at a
power level of 5 watts. The transmitter is an HTX-10 fed into a half
wave vertical at a height of 10 meters. I would perfer a good, old
fashioned, tree killing, non-electronic QSL, SASE to my QRZ address,
but I will also respond with an email promptly. It's more fun to
receive QSL Cards in the regular mail.

I have been interested in radio since I was 12 years old. Like many, I
started out on CB radio but got bored of that scene quickly. I then
discovered cars, girls, work, etc. and got side-tracked. Finally,
getting licensed at the age of 36 I rekindled my interest in radio and
have been playing with it ever since. Thanks again for tuning in to
the KA3JOE 10 METER BEACON @ 28.248.7 MHZ Please QSL, SASE to my QRZ
address Thank You & 73 Joe``

28300, at 2134, K6FRC/B - stronger than the others
``28.300 K6FRC C TRACY, CALIFORNIA # 100W, "POGO stick" VERTICAL Freq
change 8 July 09.``
``K6FRC USA flag USA
Paul Shinn, P.O. box 175, Valley Springs, CA 95252, USA Operator
K6FRC/B 50.080 MHz.
K6FRC/B 28.300 MHz.
K6FRC 13.565 MHz. (Part 15 'HiFer')
Go to www.K6FRC.com for K6FRC beacon locations. Please mail your
reception report or QSL to:
Paul Shinn
P.O. Box 175
Valley Springs, CA 95252
No S.A.S.E. required! It is a pleasure to respond to all mailed QSL
cards and reception reports. Respect for tradition demands it`` (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2160 monitoring: confirmed Saturday
October 15 at 1615 the 1600 on WRN N America webcast. Missed checking
the 1930 airing, likewise circa on WA0RCR, 1860 AM. Did anyone hear
it? Also missed reconfirming WOR is still no airing at that time on
WRMI 15770, which is now back on the air. Fortunately? I got a QSL
request out of the blue from a Netherlander with a clip at that time
of a gospel huxter, who he thought was WOR, as on the sked!
Another WRN NAm webcast confirmed at 0130 UT Sunday October 16.

At 0030 UT Sun Oct 16, 7780 is still silent when WOR is scheduled.
Just in case, I check all active WRMI frequencies, but noWOR. Of
course that`s amid the trihour of TRSW on 5950 UT Sundays, but when
WOR has been newly scheduled UT Mondays.

Also confirmed UT Sunday October 16 from 0324 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO,
S9+20 into nearby SDR, but with huge storm noise; lightning is not
right over St Louis area, but nearest in SE Kansas, N Arkansas, across
central OK to NM and AZ. This caused our NBC station, KFOR, to blow
away almost all of SNL except for the opening skit and goodbye!

Re Purple Power on World of Radio #2160: ``Thanks for the tip for
cleaning the stickiness from the surface of Eton radios. I have a few
of them and, with the exception of the Satellit 750, the rest of them
all have that problem. One year I left my G8 in Florida over the
summer. When I got back here it felt like it had been dipped in maple
syrup. I'll be going out tomorrow to look for Purple Power. Best
Regards & 73s, Doug Brown, Ont.``

I have no personal familiarity with, just quoting someone. Before
purchase, I recommend googling and noting the caveats about it. Seems
you`ve got to purchase at least a gallon of it, $ 7 at Walmart. That
would clean off an awful lot of Etóns. Maybe you can find some other
stuff needing degreasing. Glenn --- Next:

2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
0030 UT Monday WRMI 5950 [NEW]
0030 UT Monday WRMI *7780 to SW
0300vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW
0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2230 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed by Cuba]
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI *5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
*frequencies not yet restored as of Oct 15

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

A noncommercial service for which financial support is appreciated to
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702, preferably by money order
or check on a US bank. Thanks this week to Joe Caberlin, VE1EJ, Port
Colborne, Ontario

Or via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at yahoo.com
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WRMI update from their FB circa 0000 UT October 16:
``We have extended the schedule on 15770 kHz to 24 hours per day until
further notice. Today our Facility Manager Pat Travers repaired more
transmission lines, and we might have 21525 kHz back on the air on
Monday if all goes well. We will then continue to work on 7570, 5850
and 7780 kHz, as well as improving 7730 kHz. Thanks for all of your
encouraging messages and support`` (via Glenn Hauser, WOR)

** U S A. Intrigued by the motto? still atop the KBDT 1160 website,
``Snot Rocket Cock Socket Hot Pocket`` -- is it slightly naughty? I
try a broad Google search on that, but except for a few spurious, get
nothing but scads of hits back to saigondallasradio.com -- nothing DX
related, not even my own logs which have been on the web for several
days now.

Among all those useless hits, I do see that R. Saigon Dallas used to
pertain to 1600 kHz, i.e., KRVA, which would overcome OK reception of
KUSHing around sunset. But the current KBDT website shows nothing
about 1600 or KRVA. It does say in English that new home is on 1160. I
try a couple of Dallas-area SDRs at 2346 UT October 15: one of them
gets nothing but noise on both frequencies, the other weak SE Asian
songs on 1600, not 1160.

At 0000 UT August 16 I listen direct and do not hear anything Asian on
either frequency. What does the very slow-loading FCC AM Query say?
KRVA 1600 owned by LRAD Media LLC, but it errors out beyond that.
Radio-locator agrees about KRVA, while KBDT is licensed to Dallas
Broadcasting, LLC. But FCC finally attributes KBDT to Pacific Star
Media LLC. I was wanting to check the official FCC SS/SR times for
both, which supposedly cut to much lower and direxional power at
night. At least for KBDT: October, 0000/1230 UT; November, 2330/1300
UT. Could be 15 minutes difference at KRVA site.

As for the motto, maybe a joke of their website designer? No credit
for any on homepage. Perhaps someone in The Metroplex DFW market can
explain more, such as what has become of 1600? Here`s a thread about
it; finally someone thought 1600 may have become S Asian:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 26200-26380 approx., Oct 15 at 2125, CODAR swirshing,
unusual? to hear on 11m, but sporadic E provides it. Other than
visiting one on a coast, is there any way to locate these by frequency
range, pulse rates, waterfall patterns, hours, or whatever? Presumably
they are licensed by government, maybe even with callsigns (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0536 UT October 16

