Hard-Core-DX.com: 8/10 logs

8/10 logs

Wednesday, October 12 2022

12080khz 1430utc VOA Tinang PHL Korean spoken by Female special
program and memories for the composer Vangelis ,following with his music
12045khz 1456utc VOA Udon Thani THA Korean news by Female
14059utc S/off

12025khz 1501utc BBC Kranji SGP BBC news in English about Ukraine
12015khz 1518utc Voice of Korea Kujang PRK Russian by Male ,most
local music
11880khz 1541utc Trans World Radio Manzini SWZ Somali info and
African music ID sound end of the program at 1546utc
11815khz 1553utc NHK Radio Japan ,Yamata JPN Japanese news by
Male about N.Korea
9910khz 1608utc Radio Free Asia Saipan/Agingan Point News in Korean
by Female and Male about China and PakistanTelefunken E1501 Deltaloop

Maurits Van Driessche
ON3MK 73,

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