Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs September 30-October 1, 2022

Glenn Hauser logs September 30-October 1, 2022

Saturday, October 01 2022

At 0032 I measure each frequency on the Maryland SDR: 3265.123 S8/S9;
5129.984 S9; 6159.937 S9; 7489.930 S9+20. 0034 datestamp as 30 Sept
YOOLF 2022. Thinx COVID was really man-made in China and the truth of
who did it will eventually come out. 0041 quadricasting. 0042 don't vote
for those evil Democrats.

USA WBCQ Monticello ME state.
3265v not on air at 02.50 UT Oct 1st.
5129.979 music / singer / guitar instrument program,
undoubtedly Greek mx touch. S=7 in Alb-CAN remotedly SDR,
-87dBm poor to fair signal, 02.55 UT
6159.937 at 02.57 UT poor S=4 -101dBm signal BS TOM old sermon record.
7489.931 same like 6160v px, S=4 tiny -109dBm signal at 02.59 UT.
9330.170 ... .173 kHz ? WLC ? program ?
WBCQ in Spanish(!) language at 03.05 UT, unstable fq,
shift steps 3 Hertz up and down.

CUBA Hurrican Ian reached now SC state on US east coast.

4765even Cuban mx program on R Progreso from exUSSR site Bejucal, 50 kW,
at 03.06 UT S=7 or -88dBm fair signal, as usual exciting
nice LatinAM canciones.

Bauta site off - except 11760 kHz RHC Spanish, heard in SP-Brazil at
S=8 -71dBm signal level, at 0320UT.

OFF air on 5025 kHz R Rebelde,
RHC on 5040, 6060, 6100, 6165 (TRT En instead on 6165.004 kHz),
11670, 11950, 13740, 15140 kHz.

Quivican San Felipe TITAN site on air excellent audio tonight
RHC English on 6000even at 03.10 UT, S=9+10 in Alb-CAN and also
same signal in SP-Brazil.
RHC Spanish on 11850even S=9+15dB in SP-Brazil SDR 03.32 UT.

Quivican San Felipe TITAN site NOT on air on 15230 kHz towards Brazil,
instead heard in SP-Brazil remotedly:
CRI Mandarin Chinese from RTC #594 Xianyang in mainland China.
S=7 signal in Brazil at 03.30 UT on Oct 1st.

exUSSR Bejucal site 9535v to CeAM off air, (9640 kHz broadband OTHR signal)
though RHC Spanish on 9650.002 kHz, weak tiny signal heard
in SP-Brazil at 03.18 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 1)

COLOMBIA. 6017.019 kHz, Sept 30 at 0146

Nothing traced at 04.00 UT,
RRI Galbeni in Romanian heard instead on 6015 kHz at S=9+10dB level

----- Original Message -----
From: Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX

Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2022 4:32 AM
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 30-October 1, 2022

COLOMBIA. 6017.019, Sept 30 at 0146, VP S5/S6 with talk, no doubt
Organización Radial El Prado, Palermo, Magdalena, on signature split
frequency, presumably unlicensed; gone by 0620 recheck (Glenn Hauser,

CUBA. 11850, Sept 30 at 0141, a few RHC frequencies are back on
after widespread Ian-caused power outages. Back to ``normal``, this
one is S9+10/20 of just-barely-modulated Spanish; also 9650, S9+10
merely undermodulated. And 6000 at 0145, S9+20/30 in English with
sufficient modulation. Not found on any other frequency normally on
air at this time. Per EiBi, 6000 & 11850 are Quivicán site, 9650
Bejucal; so major Bauta plant still dark (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 5025, 5040, 6000, 6060, 6100, 6165, Sept 30 at 0627, all
these transmitters are off, but:

9805 & 9565, Sept 30 at 0631, pulse jammings against nothings are
drawing powers from somewheres (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. Survey of RHC frequencies, Sept 30 at 2340, finds only: 6000
S7/S9 JBM Spanish? 9650 S9/+10 better in Spanish; there are no others
on those bands, nor on the 5s, 11s, 13s or 15s. But 13650 CRI music
relay is on, S9+20 JBM and at 2344 the NHK IS audible under in this
protracted collision. 9535 with something in Chinese, not Cuba.

Another check at 0023: 12000 S9 JBM English = 2 x 6000. At 0026, 11850
is now on at S9+10/20 but as always JBM Spanish. Somethings` always
wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
TURKEY. 9830, Sept 30 at 2157 and later chex to 2230, NO signal
from VOT English for N America into UTwente. Something`s always
erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

U S A. 3265+, Sept 30 at 2358, this WBCQ is on but JBA with IS & ID
loop, probably // 5130- where that is much better.

At 0032 I measure each frequency on the Maryland SDR: 3265.123 S8/S9;
5129.984 S9; 6159.937 S9; 7489.930 S9+20. 0034 datestamp as 30 Sept
YOOLF 2022. Thinx COVID was really man-made in China and the truth of
who did it will eventually come out. 0041 quadricasting. 0042 don`t
vote for those evil Democrats.

Tuned away for a while; when I come back at 0049, he`s talking to
*me*, but I missed the first part. He loves me, but apparently peeved
that I may guess what`s happening, instead of phoning him to find out.
About the 9330 outages: the Ampegon antenna was only 95% complete when
that company went bankrupt, and due to COVID they have not been able
to get anyone over who knows how to fix it, so WBCQ crew continues to
work on it in the daytime, which is why 9330 is often off the air
Mon-Sat from around 8/9 am to 4/6 pm EDT. As for transmitter,
Continental makes great ones, but this 500 kW one is a nightmare
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0231 UT October 1
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