Hard-Core-DX.com: Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for September 29th

Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for September 29th

Thursday, September 29 2022

DXing Americas SDR,s
Submissions are in Chronological Order as they were Heard.

** Nigeria
7254.93 khz 0731z Voice of Nigeria YL Speaking Fulfulde somewhat
under modulating speaking to someone even lower Mod.with a carrier
signal of S6,S7 signal into kiwisdr Maurice,LA.Sept.29 GP,km5x,Tx.

** New Zealand 0746z R.N.Z.I. playing music with a good signal S9+20db
Peaking -54dbm into KC9FFV SDR Forney,Tx.Sept.29 GaryPence,km5x,Tx.

15450 khz Voice of Turkey Speaking in English about bird houses and
Their craftsmanship at 1255z then ID 1257z followed by a song in turkish at
1300z.Signal S9 into W1NT SDR Newton,NH.Sept.29 2022

** Germany
15785 Khz (DRM)1308z Bit Express (Funklust) ID at 1311z speaking
German playing music in digital mode from Erlangen with a S4,S5
Signal in W1NT SDR Newton,New Hampshire Sept.29 GP,km5x,Tx

** Tajikistan
15745 khz 1321z R.Free Asia broadcasting in Tibetan from Dushanbe Orzu
With a S8,S9 signal into W1NT SDR Newton,NH Sept.29 GP,km5x,Tx

** Taiwan
15760 khz 1329z SOH Xi Wang Zhi Zeng Sepeaking Chinese from Miaoli
with a fluttery S7 signal as well as 15970 khz S7,S8 & 16160 khz S9+5db
into W1NT SDR Newton,NH.Sept.29 GP,km5x,Tx

** Uzbekistan
15670 khz 1343z Adventist W.Radio YL broadcasting in korean via
Tashkent with a S5 signal into W1NT SDR NH.Sept.29 GP,km5x,dallas,Tx

** Germany
15640 khz (1351z)VOA DEEWA RADIO Speaking in Pashto from
Lampertheim copied S7,S8 w/QSB into kiwisdr W1NT Newton,NH sept.29

** China
15590 khz (1403z)C.R.Inter. broadcasting News in English from Urumqi which
In between Kazakhstan and Mongolia in Northwest China copied S8
semi- fluttery signal direct into kiwisdr W1NT Newton,NH GP,km5x,Tx

** China
11675 khz (1424z) C.R.Inter. Speaking English from Urumqi copied on
The Longpath with a warbled S9+15/20db signal into KFS kiwiSDR SW ant
Half Moon Bay,California Sept.29 GP/km5x/Tx

** Sau'di Arabia
11745 khz (1434z) AL-AZM Radio Speaking Arabic from Jeddah with a
Strong Longpath Signal copied S9+10db signal on omni antenna and a
warbled S9+20db -53dbm signal on the Southwest antenna into KiwiSDR
KFS H.M.Bay,California Sept.29 GP,km5x,Tx

** Sau'di Arabia
11860 khz (1455z-1525) Republic of Yemen Radio playing music from a concert
event YL and OM speaking starting 1525z in firing up the live
Event with applause and clapping from the Crowd ,Copied Iran on the same
Radio Marti further in the background almost a MW graveyard experience.Good
Longpath opening copied S9+20/25db into kiwisdr KFS
SW H.M.Bay,CA Sept.29 GaryPence,km5x,TX.

** Algeria
17600 khz (1942z) Radio Algerienne broadcasting a sporting event
In arabic with a good S9+5db signal copied at W1NT kiwisdr Newton,NH.
Sept.29 GP/km5x/Tx

** Spain
17855 khz (1952z) R.Exterior DE ESPANA DOS OM,s speaking Spanish
>From Nobeljas, S9+20/30db signal copied at W1NT kiwisdr Newton,NH.
Sept.29,2022 GP,km5x,Tx

** France
15130 khz (2008z) NHK World Radio broadcasting in Japanese from
Issoudun with a S9+10db signal copied at kiwisdr W1NT Newton,NH.
Sept.29,2022 GaryPence,km5x,Tx

15580 khz (2031z)Voice of America English program 1730z- 2030z
>From Selebi-Phikwe with a S9+5db signal copied at kiwisdr W1NT
Newton,NH.Sept.29,2022 Gary Pence,km5x,Tx

** Spain?
15520 khz 2045z supposed to be Spain from 1830z-2130z but just
a Carrier S9+20db .Something's amiss when they need to (well never
mind) good sig.into W1NT SDR Newton,NH.Sept.29th GP/km5x/Tx

13650 khz (2053z) R.Domains International speaking English an ID
Plus Sign Off at 2057z.copied S9+15/20db signal from Tiganesti Into
kiwisdr W1NT Newton,NH.Sept.29,2022 GP,km5x,Tx

Dispatched at 2100z
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