Hard-Core-DX.com: Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for September

Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for September

Sunday, September 25 2022

DXing America,s SDR,s Remotely
All Times Are UTC/GMT
Submissions Are in chronological Order as they were copied.

** Turkey
9770 khz 0535z-0600z Sign off.Voice of Turkey YL Speaking to another
YL call in by phone in Turkish with signal peaking S9+10db into kiwisdr
Maurice (suburb just SW of Lafayette,Louisiana where he uses
a 80m skyloop ant 7m high.Sept 25 Gary pence km5x/TX.

9615 khz 0718z-0728z NHK World-Japan broadcasting a sports event in
Japanese from Ibaragi-Koga Yamata.Signal was S9+20db into KFS NW
Kiwisdr Half Moon Bay,CA.also heard in other kisdr,s in Vt,NH,PA,IN,
NC,Fla,LA,TX between S7 to S9.Sept,25 GP/km5x/TX

** New Zealand
7245 khz 0801z R.N.Z.Inter.Speaking ID,News and wx in English from
Rangitaiki located in the center of the north island of NZ with
a good S9+20db,peaking-52dbm into kiwisdr Jumonville(NR Pittsburg,
PA.He uses a 210ft end fed longwire.Sept.25 GP/km5x/Dallas,TX

dispatched 1134z
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