Hard-Core-DX.com: Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for September 24th

Gary Pence (Km5x) log,s for September 24th

Sunday, September 25 2022

DXing America,s SDR,s Remotely
Submissions are in chronological Order as they were copied.

9390 khz 1200z-1230z R.Thailand English program LY Starting with ID
and News with a S9+15db Signal from Udon Thani into KFS NW kiwiSDR
Half Moon Bay,CA.Sept24 2022 Gary Pence/km5x

** Philippines
9400 khz 1211z FEBC Radio Liangyou 1 Speaking Christian Scripture
In Chinese from Iba which is 87 miles northwest of Manila on the
Coast.Has a S9+20db Signal into KFS kiwisdr H.M.Bay,CA.Sept24,2022
Gary Pence km5x,TX

9875 khz 1225z- 1230z KSDA- Adventist World Radio broadcasting
Religious content in Chinese until BoH ID in English changing to
Cantonese at 1231z from agat with a S9+15/20db into KFS NW kiwisdr
Half Moon Bay,CA Sept 24,2022 Gary Pence km5x/TX

** TajiKistan
9370 khz 1235z-1302z Radio Free Asia speaking in Burmese from Dushanbe
Orzu with a S9+5/10db into KFS SW kiwisdr H.M.Bay,CA.Sept 24,2022
Gary Pence,km5x/TX

11560 khz 1319z All India Radio speaking Pashto from Bengaluru
Coming in the longpath a full 2 S units stronger on the Southwest
antenna over the Northwest antenna with a warbled S8 signal into
KFS kiwisdr H.M.Bay,CA.Sept 24,2022 Gary Pence,km5x/TX

11995 khz 1350z B.B.C. World Service Speaking pashto from All Seela
with good longpath S7 signal into KFS SW kiwisdr Half Moon Bay,CA
Sept 24,2022 Gary Pence,km5x/TX

12095 khz 1400z-1406z B.B.C.World Service Speaking in Somali from
Talata-Volonondry with good long path S9+5db on the Southwest antenna
and just under S7 on the OmniA antenna at KFS Kiwisdr Half Moon Bay,CA
Sept 24,2022 Gary,km5x/TX

21630 khz 1653z B.B.C. World Service Speaking English talking about
Sports World with a good S9+10db Signal into Northern Utah kiwisdr in
Corrine,UTAH.Where they use a LOG CELL Yagi On a 20 meter boom length
Fixed due East.Sept,24,2022 Gary Pence Km5x/Dallas,TX.

** Vatican City
17655 khz 1700z-1800z VOA broadcasting in Portuguese from Santa
Maria di Galeria with a S8,S9 signal into Northern UTAH kiwisdr
Corrine,UTAH Sept 24,2022 GP/km5x/Dallas,TX.

** Austria
17570 khz 1730z-1800z Adventist World Radio broadcasting in Masai
>From Moosbrunn just So. of Vienna with a S8,S9 w/rapid fading Signal
Into Northern UTAH kiwisdr Corrine,UTAH.Sept24,2022 GP/km5x/Dallas,TX

Dispatched 0339z Sept.25,2022
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