Hard-Core-DX.com: CIDX Messenger items, September

CIDX Messenger items, September

Tuesday, September 06 2022

MYANMAR 5914.981 kHz Burmese sce from northern capital bcast center
site Nay Pyi Daw, poor S=7 at 00.12 UT Sept 6 in Perseus unit SDR at
New Delhi and Athens Greece too.

UZBEKISTAN 5829.939 kHz Persian language TV sce from London-UK,
as Radio Iran International, via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan
Shortwave Transmitting bcast center. URL: <http://www.crrt.uz>
S=9+15dB strength at 00.08 UT on Sept 6.

CONGO D.R. 6115even kHz exact fq of the new 50 kW unit Brazzaville,
S=6 rather tiny signal low level at 18.24 UT on Sept 5.
Very thin audio modulation; incomprehensible program content.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 5 - 6 )

NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1063 - but rather #1064 ? to count ...
September 4, 2022

5915 MYANMAR. Myanmar Radio, Naypyidaw (tentative), 9/2/22. fair
Asian signal all alone on fqy, nondescript vocal mx at 1125 tune-in.

Begins nx broadcast by YL in soft-sounding Asian language at 1130,
sure seems likely Burmese. Mx breaker at 1135 and more nx until 1139
when mx pgm of romantic ballads, moderated by YL ancr. This all fits
for Myanmar, where local time is a half-hour offset, so in past have
always noticed their nx "on the hour" beginning at BOH. And often, mx
programming runs right across TOH with no pause.
(Ralph Perry, Wheaton-IL-USA, NASWA Electronic Flashsheet #1064 Sept 4)

----- Original Message -----
From: Glenn Hauser via groups.io

Sent: Monday, September 05, 2022
Subject: [WOR] CIDX Messenger items, September

MYANMAR. 9730. Myanma R. - Yegu, Yangon. 1105 Burmese with National network.
Music and talk programming with Burmese pops, before suddenly launching into
Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong's "Cheek to
Cheek" (!!). 1120 - "Myanma Radio" station jingle. Heard under the slightly
stronger co-channel KNLS Mandarin service, but pretty easy to copy. News
reports and commentaries from 1130.

At 1200, no frequency change to the scheduled 5985. Instead, 9730 continued
with commentaries, interviews and occasional short musical interludes. Back
into Burmese pops at 1220 to past 1240 when I stopped monitoring. Co-channel
QRM at 1200 UT from CRI's English to SEAs. Aug 9.
(Wagner – AUS)
Canadian International DX Club E-mail: hq@cidxclub.ca
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