Hard-Core-DX.com: Logs on 23-25 everyday different gear

Logs on 23-25 everyday different gear

Friday, August 26 2022


23/8 using PL550 adn a modified tube coupler 
7205  for more than 25 minutes listening toXJPBS with long talks in Uighur between OM and YL  good for making someone to get in sleep . At22+
6245  VoPeople in Korean 2045  heard also some English fair

24/8 with some 44 m pirates using PL330 and the coupler 
6665 listening for more than 40 minutes two ops with general discussion  in  general. around 19z good signals
6669  two Greeks with  technical topics on radio and antennas . sametime with others
FYI I have herd last week from  a samechannel that  transmitting without ATU ismuch better than with ATU  These accessoriescan lower the total system gain!

Checking the Youloop clone with its 6 m cable and Airspy HF+D
6100 “This is TWR from Eswatini” 1658 Tunes of TWR ID in lang “aye  feba radio” and  “Yohan di be” Progran in unID lang with OMtalking -60dbFS >>> eibi shows Yao to Mozambique
6165 CRI in English 1003 with news interesting to see that audio is increasedin the higher frequencies! Program ‘world inside’  . then about Taiwan
CNR 1708  with talks . some audio is hereSNR30 (-59.5/-95)
checked to be in //4800
12035  VoA Deewa radio 1725  with ID and sort tune ID once gain -41/-81dbm
9500 TWR in Oromo mixed with RRomania SDR Studio is going fair jib to kill Romania
9570 CRI on the occupation on Afghanistan 1738 with program in English
9585   seems as jammed . BBC Arabic 1741 Thereis something asx the NK type of jammer centered 2 kHz lower
9780  NHK  in ?? with garbled audio!!! 1746 just listento the audio  https://app.box.com/s/71hetdfu8bmsknhosr3s99fsj7ckg8vv
7055 someone is playing Russian music at 1756

A few 44mb logs:
6640L OM with airing old skyladiko songs! 1757 with -97dbm

6675 net with someone talking while a machinated  YL voice is heard saying to  jam the other using a bit nasty or nervous   wording   Thisjammer later started sending noise every time the effected person is QSO ing . Itwas also interesting to notice that the two other in the frequency were discussingabout this jamming and the possible reasons the other started jamming him 35dbSNR at best  and the most fun log ofthe day

6665  interestingnet system with many ops dong QSY 18+
6655  another with music but very poorata 10 dbSNR  but very good in Belgie ! S9   someone with funny music and guitar Stoppedat  1807
6690 at 1819 counting with 35dbSNR
5990  imam praying at 1826  -85dbm 42SNR  >>VOIRI
5945 TRΤ carrier  is mixed with several  audio tones of 1+ khz that effect its audio  but not severe At 1830 with English program
9330  WBCQ no signal this time  1839 !! only some OTHR  Whatis happening?
6660  someone talking in nonstandard Englishat 1902 then airing music



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