Hard-Core-DX.com: 11-21/08 logs

11-21/08 logs

Sunday, August 21 2022

4810Khz, R. Logos, Peru, San Martin; 11/08, 0857 – 0903 pop gospel music selections, male in Spanish hour announcements “tres de la mañana e cinquenta e nueve minutos, quatro de la mañana punto”, (0359, 0400 local time) short andean music, instrumental music, return of pop gospel. Logos usually starts broadcasting around 1000ut, two or three times a week at 0930ut, also sometimes before 0900 like this listening. Fair to good, some fade and STANAG underneath (LOB-B).

4950kHz, R. Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos; 20/08, 0017 – 0025 hi life music, dialect male talks. RNA continues exclusively dialect talks and African music, instead of Portuguese talks and some pop music as is used to be. Nothing in Portuguese talks, at least what I could hear. Good reception (like this) sometimes around 0000ut, but usually better at 0500 to 0540ut here (LOB-B).

4752kHz, R. Huanta 2000, Peru, Huanta; 21/08, 0001 – 0009 male and female in Spanish talks seems ads, local music. Unreadable, fady, poor to fair (LOB-B).

5952kHz, R. Pio XII, Bolivia, Siglo Veinte. Last listening with audible modulation at 24/07. After that only a carrier with het after 2158 at 07, 13, 14, 20/08; at 20, 21/08 from 2158 until  0030ut. Clip of this signal is in the recording whose link is below of 20/08, 2209utc (LOB-B). 

Tecsun PL310et 
Wire 14m, dipole 18m 
Embu SP Brasil

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