Hard-Core-DX.com: Logs August 09-16

Logs August 09-16

Tuesday, August 16 2022

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Logs in Oleiros, A Coruña, NW of Spain
Tecsun PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters.

ANGOLA, 4949.7, Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 0440-0502, 11-08,
extremely weak, unreadable comments.

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0500-0529, 10-08, news, Radio
Bandeirantes news, “Na programaçao da Bandeirantes”, “Radio
Bandeirantes”. 25422.

4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0445-0520, 10-08, Brazilian songs,
“Madrugada Musical”. 25422.

6180, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2030-2048, 11-08, Brazilian
songs, Portuguese, comments. // 11780. 35433.

9550.1, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2003-2025, 11-08, religious
songs and comments, Portuguese. 15421.

9818.8, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 2005-2017, 11-08, religious
comments and songs, Portuguese. 15321.

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0652-0719, 14-08, Brazilian songs,
identification song “Radio Brasil Central, Goiania…”, “Madrugada
Musical”. // 4985. 24322.

15189.9, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 2000-2019, 11-08, id.
“Rede Inconfidencia de Radio…”, program “A Hora do Fazendeiro”. 35433.

CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, Canada, 0514-0524, 11-08, English,
advertisements about Ontario, comments, news. Channel 292 out of the air
today. 35433.

COLOMBIA, 4940, Unknown relaying Fuerza de Paz, 0503-0528, 10-08,
religious songs and comments. Spanish. 25422.

5930, World Music Radio, Bramming, 0447-0516, 16-08, pop songs in
English, Latin American songs, id. “World Music Radio”. 24322.

25800, World Music Radio, Marlest, 1810-1826, 12-08, pop songs in
English and Latin American songs, id. “WMR”. 25422.

ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0457-0500*, 14-08, heard after closed
Algeria on the same frequency, national anthem and closed . 35433.

6030, Radio Oromiya, Addis Ababa, 1817-1833, 12-08, Vernacular,
comments. 25422.

7110, Radio Ethiopia, Geja Dera, 1750-1801*, 12-08, Vernacular,
comments. 34433.

MALI, 5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 0610-0633, 16-08, African songs, French,
news, comments, program “Au Son du Coq”. 35433.

MEXICO, 618, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0435-0459, 10-08, Latin
American songs, Spanish, theatre play. 25422.

5955, Sunlite Radio, Westdorpe, 0510-0526, 10-08, pop songs, id.
“Sunlite”. 35433.

6005, Delta Radio International, Elburg, 1834-2010, 12-08, pop songs in
English, id. “Radio Delta”, English comments, from 1900-1930 strong QRM
from Radio Taiwan International via Kostimbrod with French program, QRM
again at 2000 from Tadio Taiwan with Russian program. 32433.

6140, Radio Onda, Borculo, 0610-0641, 14-08, pop songs, id. “Vous
ecoutez Radio Onda”. 35433.

TAJIKISTAN, 4765, Tajik Radio, Dushanbe, 1905-1936, 09-08, Tajik
comments. 15421.

VANUATU, 7260, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila, 0520-0559*, 15-08, comments,
male, female, Bislama, English, unreadable comments. Heard at 0520 when
closed Vatican Radio on the same frequency. At 0530 QRM from Voice of
American on 7265. 13421.

4965, Voice of Hope Africa, Lusaka, 1914-1947, 09-08, English, religious
songs and comments, id. “Voice of Hope Africa”. 25422.

5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, Lusaka, 2023-2049, 11-08, Vernacular
comments. 25322.

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