Hard-Core-DX.com: Radio Nacional de Angola

Radio Nacional de Angola

Sunday, August 07 2022

4950kHz, R. Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos; 07/08, 0055 – 0109 instead of its traditional “male in Portuguese talks and music” content, RNA has presented dialect speeches and African tribal music; there´s must be reflection of the political campaign taking place in the country. Male in dialect (some  unconfirmed sources indicate 37 languages and 50 dialects in Angola), xylophone (sounding like) music, ToH time pips, male in dialect, minimalist tribal music (whistle & male reciting, no instruments), male in short Portuguese and dialect announcements “Radio Nacional de Angola”. Fair, het, one of the best listenings of the week. Hope that this return of RNA (returned 13/07) does not end when the elections are over (LOB-B).
3 minutes recording of this listening in the link below: 

Tecsun PL310et Wire 14m, dipole 18m Embu SP Brasil 

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