Hard-Core-DX.com: local & non SDR logs previous days

local & non SDR logs previous days

Sunday, July 24 2022

a few utes are already posted yesterday

Logs for 21/7
Using PL330 andantenna 10+15m

11645  VoKorea in Arabic with ID at1700 55/03

5900 R Taiwan intl   in Russian via ?? 1702 qirth 55/24

5985   in Eng /Swahili? 1706 with phone ins

6050   Xizang PBS 1708with nice instrumental music

6100   TWR Swaziland*  1713 wuth funny afropop with discussions infast track ad its fading

6165 CRI 1714 inEnglish with economic instability of Ukraine XX

9900 Cairo 1734 withgarbled audio only in Albanian and good modulation 46/22 and Arabic pop song(wesrternized)

11735 RFE/RL  1742 with signal 23/12 with program in tajikas mentioned

7110 Ethiopia  still on 1755 with fair signal but under somelocal QRN  it is quite high in the centreof the city

Logs for 22/7

7540 CNR mixe with twomore Chinese (p) signals one fo them is music57/06

7495 VoA 1630 ‘woyaseemroz ‘ reference in farsi ? No it is pushtu*   with signal 44/10

7385 Xizang PBS withEnglish program Holy Tibet I think. 1635 with mysterious semi Chinese POP songman and woman tlking about traditional festivals  55/15

7205 Xinjiang PBS withturkic song  with ID in Uighur at 1655Quite poor signal 

7110 Ethiopia 1655with good signal and modulation with talk in Amharic Instrumental play before1700 with short talks and vice versa. After the 1700 with news that continuedafter 1730!

9100 Vo People  in Korean clear from any QRM on 1708

6865 CNR 1 with goodsignal at 53/20 on 1732 with adverts

9730 VoVietnam 1730Good signal  just noticed without addingmore info

6070 Tumbril via R2922016 quite noisy to be heard even at 57/16 best solution is using Twente asusual !! Opera at 2019

At 6060 Iran aired thewell known ‘pot pouri’ disco  tune of 70s

5935 war of signalsbetween Erdoğan vs Welat at 2100 with the first winning and heard in the clear,Sad

7055 the Russian Ukrainian radio war still continuing at 2115!

11900 VoA in a Africanlanguage BM* noticed ie Bambara with refers to Mali Good signal

11910 NHK in Japanese2133 with children song that seems a gyms program. The man is leading thechildren to dance or do the gyms Good 

9670 ToM program via R292 , emphatic talks !


And via

4965 Voice of HopeAfrica   2024 with S10 signal , religious program

5995 is slightlybetter than locally at 2028 Some afro pop with S8 signal

Just to notice I havemade a reception a few days before this week listening RN Angola at roughly thesame time


Zacharias Liangas
Hard Core Radio monitor and gear tester

https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writing
https://bit.ly/34NEBpc ; why SDR is better
https://www.youtube.com/user/zach0gr/ ; about my main web pages

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