Hard-Core-DX.com: �tf-8?q?Local SDr logs… 10/7

�tf-8?q?Local SDr logs… 10/7

Monday, July 11 2022

….Testing with Airspy HF+D  and new program version 1868



Centeredon 15109,7 Kuwait is today transmitting off-frequency at 1029 .. tested in  both Airspy and Console     Optimalreception filter is 4870x2 kHZ =9740KHz


More logs using the same  system:  


9510 IRRS  with religious program 0950  33 db SNR 

9610 AWR* in Italian at 0952  with 22 db SNR

17490 CGTN at 1005 with news.Strong audio hum 36db SNR

15390 CNR13 at 1014 with funny Turkicmusic Max 33 db SNR

15800 CNR jammer against ?? withmax 18 db SNR

17485 another CNR jamming  frequency at 1040 with talk in CC, nearby theCGTN mountain Best to use the SSB filter for better audio 36.5dbm SNR that timeCGTNIs 45 dbm max!

17570 CRI is NOT Tibetan* as scheduled.This is Magyar in //15220 SNR54db ,2x10 kHz wide

17775 VoA in Somali , 1046 withtalx, mentioning also Somalian, 1048 a HoA song 2x5 kHz wide with 55 db SNR

17830 R Farda 1049 in the real poorat 31db but still high noise

21670 R Saudi Intl 1050 with phone-in in Indo lang possibly on Idul Adha  Just 34 db SNR mixed with local QRN

* as per Eibi listing


The 26/27 band is full fromoperators A few from the hundreds this time   (10)

27270 QSO in Italian 1052  22 db SNR

27465 Italian operator in Am 30 dbSNR

27515 Spanish op <25db



18130 1008 operator under QSO inEglish

87.1MHz unknown carrier with no modulation51 db SNR


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https://bit.ly/34NEBpc why SDR is better
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