Hard-Core-DX.com: Feedback required plus logs

Feedback required plus logs

Sunday, July 10 2022

In the previous email togive your opinion on the Rockwell font I use for more htan  one month . I have received no replies. Oncegain I’m asking for your feedback .    

Local  reception 
using 11/15 m antennas with 1/9 balun and connected with SMA into the SDRPlay

This log https://zliangaslogs.wordpress.com/2022/07/10/local-reception-9-7-12/


All freq  sorted
4848.5  someone using LSBand airing in Turkish or similar squelch enabled : https://app.box.com/s/y5ddgfiph3nwahvs6mazf157qbbx8qze
6005 R Taiwan (?)with -35 dbm in french between OM/YL  with discussions on the country. Via Bulgaria.Around 5 kHz wide!
 6020 AT 1922 Cri in Albanian (?) ith-45dbm and western pop song  and 1923with Chinese ezl The audio bandwidth is 10 kHz covering 20 kHz of band …Also on7385 at 1955 with ID and short talks in Albanian
6070 /9670 no way to listen  Tumbrillocally : 6070 is full of local noise 9670 with just 5 db SNR only on 10z I triedvia Twente with good signal (I think -65dbm? ) and experimented with ISBreception . Unfortunately there is no Synchro SSB to adjust accurately as doingseparate LSB and USB had <10Hz reception errors!
6090 CRI /RO 1928 with just 5kHz wide audio …. Nice ballad music
6520 Vo People 1935 mixed with QRN from N Korea as usual but still partially listenable-72
6675  On the 44mb 1938   ‘τι επαθες αφησες αυτι’ (what- happens -opens- ear ) random words   female computer voiced.The system operator replied to her (?)  askingher to see the psychanalyst . 1939 old traditional song is played for 55seconds !! -80dbm then off
6693 Novosibirsk Volmet 1943 wks in RU with temps . -100dbm
7245 Cri in Russian , the way of talking is quite ‘grandiose’ as like reading apoem – which is not-  at -75 dbm only on1950 also lots of static
8939 Rostov Radio 1957 with meteo info -85dbm
9410 Cairo , 1959 with only hum heard  and2001* Siugnal -45dbm 9410 signed off 20.0.30   CAor
9425 Vo Korea 2005 with good sound and program in Korean -60dbm
9510 Algeria in French at 2007  with news. Als on 9660 !   Both at-60dbm  at 2019 bacvk to usual Quran chanting
9675.013 exact SABC in Indo with religious program with signal at -60 with 20dbm fading. Ther is also a little wandering carrier  on 9674.16kHz shifting lower  at 73.5 at 2014
9810 Cairo with a song at 2022 relatively poorly under its garbling and littlehum audible only with headphones -48dbm max French program
9875  TRT with program in English . Nicesharp audio and signal at -60dbm .Mixed with VoKorea this is the only freq inthis time in Eng
Dbm  660 with -80dbm
11635 VoK 2047 with its national hymn then only carrier KCBS noticed on eibi
13128U TAH Turkish radio wi th news(?) in Turkish  v-96dbm 1005

Technical Radio monitor
https://bit.ly/34NEBpc why SDR is better
https://bit.ly/3Ii7xn8   Focus on Ukraine notices  - everyday updates
https://linktr.ee/zliangas all my pages

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