Hard-Core-DX.com: Aussie logs and more

Aussie logs and more

Sunday, July 10 2022

Noneadvised me on the font I use Is it OK for reading?

This log https://zliangaslogs.wordpress.com/2022/07/09/aussie-loging-9-7/

Reception via Forster:
Just 4835  on 0829  with oldie song style Frank Sinatra then mantalking in Enlgish , Nice sweet  OM  voice!  Back to song at 0833 Signal clear with -103dbm
SW Australia is noted on WOR

Also 2325 nonstop music station at 0840 with old popsong with -104dbm via Forster Nearly same level in Caberra. Stationname is  Peter Tate  as posted in WOR by Brian Powel
2310 another with only talks at 0842 seems as relaying Christian program Classicalmusic on ToH  0900 . Also ‘visible’ in Canberaand Teralba, the latter  taggingthem as SW Australia  With more checking Ifound  being in //4835.  Best SNR on Hunter Valley among the  remain kSDRs  noticed here   
Audio : Https://app.box.com/s/tdx9tsmu3lpzpcjtlp63nzcoztbdt9vf

No Symban on 2368kHz  but audible  in 1692 k MW  
By chance a station on 1629 mentioned Christmas … at 0934!!   (via Forster )

4940  Vo Strait in CC with talks andadvert at 0945 There is another station under with talks in Spanish

RTM Sarawak /Wai  :
-11665 and 9835  are also audible inRotorua with S5 and S7 respectively at  0925
-IN hunter valley 9835 as S7 and 11665 at S5 at 0957 same at 1015
-IN Perth: 11665 at  S7  and 9835 at S9 at 1015
They will have again Ramadan soon as noticed by the songs aired, 7 o clocknotice at 10z.  

Technical Radio monitor
https://bit.ly/34NEBpc why SDR is better
https://bit.ly/3Ii7xn8   Focus on Ukraine notices  - everyday updates
https://linktr.ee/zliangas all my pages

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