Hard-Core-DX.com: R Angela 5130 today

R Angela 5130 today

Saturday, July 09 2022

At a special occasion , Angla with woman talking some ‘nicestories ‘ at 0215 was heard marginally this Saturday morning via Twente  with signal not goof to be heard for long time. Checking a few SDRS in the Americas in NY Washington and other  cities in NE USA  I preferred to stop in Montreal , with signal of S30  (-35dbm )but still with lots of QRN and fadingto 35db at max
Grek refuge at 0230 starts with Buzuki play with Billthen asking indirectly for sponsors Starts with mode Plagal group , a groupmixing traditional  songs with  jazz and then closing with songs from Hiotis

Interesting program !


Weather is not good for DXing due to storms andthunderstorms in Salonica.  NO signal forangela in the city Instead:  - shortTIME scanning  on the bands ,just 5 minutes -

5140 is just marginal at 0225 Als on 5025 4840
5040  with music
6110  talk in Japanese,poor
9330 WBCQ(?) prog inPP  good
9410 R Rom Intl in Spanish Good

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