Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs June 23, 2022

Glenn Hauser logs June 23, 2022

Sunday, June 26 2022

UKRAINE [non]. No signal on South Florida SDRs at 1200 on June 26. At
1210 a very weak signal was heard, but it sounded more like Brother
Stair than Ukraine (should certainly be stronger if they're on). I
wasn't able to check yesterday (Saturday), but on Friday, June 24,
Brother Stair was on at this time. My last logging of Ukraine Security
Issue at this time was on June 20, when Day 107 was repeated for at
least the eighth day straight. I wasn't able to check June 21-23.
Looking online, the WRMI schedule was updated June 21. Not listed today
in the schedule grid above, but still listed in the "System H Schedule"

Joe Ihnat
Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA

On 6/23/2022 8:30 PM, Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX wrote:

** UKRAINE [non]. 5010, June 23 at 1210 check when I happen to awaken,
JBA carrier only from WRMI aimed south as still on skedgrid with
Ukrainian Radio relay at 12-13 except Fridays, despite dropping it at
0500 on 7730. Is it really still on, and if so, with any new
programming, including English at first? You can tell if it`s new by
the Day # of the war, which on June 24 e.g. would be #121 (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2144)

This report dispatched at 0029 UT June 24
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