Hard-Core-DX.com: logs 27+29/5

logs 27+29/5

Saturday, June 04 2022


5445 sounds as square tone 1704

6266  DB zender()?at  2006 with old Dutch songs  Heardin Finaland by typing error andrechecked in France kSDR . 2x5 kHz wide

7543 c 1919 Kontayner 15 kHz wide a -92dbm maxx

7055  someoperator still in the band  2013. ver UKRbut too bassy but wild voice-95dbm . SLAVA URAINE operator at 1919 on 28/5with  reel (?) and signal -85/-120dbm https://app.box.com/s/96spzzzpsfs67h8l9hcjdgs8rbgvt902

8939 Rostov M in russain with meteo codes 2027 inRussian ID at 202912 ,ax -73dbm  2030 off

8957 meteo 2031

9095AM  EoHope withKorean pops  or raps at 1957 Betterreception at LSB as there is a carrier of -75 dbm nearly similar level asthe  VoP . talks at 195820 in Koran.1910on 28/5 there are two stanag signals on 9092 and 9101 plus carriers on 9098 and9093 QRMing reception Best is using USB not more han 3kHZ wide! 

918U1 Razde Ukraine someone transmitting Russian kindof operas on 1942 with 3.19 kHz wide audio with -90dbm signal  . Also on BLR with -80dbm They ousted me atjut 2 minutes Continued to listen to Pskov Listen to the audio feed at the endof the music https://app.box.com/s/ksk4d7tkl0ig2t6eyl2u7nlb4rutos7s

Occe again 28/5 at 1904 with talks or QSOs

9260 Chinese female talks 2000, overloaded . INPskov  and Turku rechecked

9370  no signalfrom R Svoboda at 1932 on 9360  there isFiredrake with a hum like signal

9410 R Clario in German 1938 heard well under the humand hraches with good audio (yoohoo!) ervenif it is relatively garbled >There is also another mixed audio that seems as swahili  or another afro language  -49dbm

9730  VoVietnam2037 in French Signal to -60 but qiute low audio comparing to the carrier level !

Audio via kiwi SDR



1548  TWR with religiousprogram seem as Nagyar refrences to Jesus -83dbm at 1924

1278Ukraine ? program in Russian with many mentions in UKraine string local nose  kicking the signal off -81.8dbm



11620 KBS 0748 with talksin Korean , talking abt Iran -78dbm

11775  Erdogan at 0750 with hymns  -76.6 where is welat this time?

13660 RFI in Mandekan0755 mixing both langauges continuously referring to Senegal main level at-70dbm Typical audio rage of 4kHz

9645 RROmintl 0805  with church program -52 dbm mentioning theArchepiscopal in Constantinople

150300 AIR in Farsi ?  0817 with news ID at 0820 -77dbm signal


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