Hard-Core-DX.com: Repeating UNANSWERED logs this week

Repeating UNANSWERED logs this week

Saturday, April 02 2022

In case you didn’t seen:
I m Repeating a series of logs that were UNANSWERED  and expect your comments.
NF 9870  Hindi music at 0026 New no ID at 0027 then with a song that andsoff  0029 -65dbm THis is  something new possibly of A22 Anyopinions?
Listen: https://app.box.com/s/y52k17e1qf9t044dldyh56hbokobgooe
Liangas 26.3

9670 R 292 Echo Sthlm a program in Russian -75dbm possibly program forUkrainian? the time i was listening to VoZ Missionaria on 9666.78
R292’s web page 2143 shown nothing except their card
Program mentioning John Bidet 2200 Continued and after 2200 Around 2230 therewas a religious program
Video https://youtu.be/tGUff7VZESA

On 6070 and 2230 there is a religious program . R22 pprog list shows ownproram   Liangas 27/3

9666.78 VOz Misionaria 2124 with a religious song Compared with kSDR VilheniaBR 2131  YL with IS 2135 then man with sermons-79dbm max https://youtu.be/9ig3LAbSNWA ;
Liangas 27/3

5785U ατ 1512 man with talk in Ukraine26/1 tested locally with -91dbm adn in Hungary  at-87dbm
kSDR reception https://app.box.com/s/bb86jz8wbosuktr9dckag5guup2bfnsc
mine reception https://app.box.com/s/7jjxnlzzerugoftbnum5nq3565yton7e
Underneath mix  on 1532 under theOM hat seems as QSO between two

More New freqs
9585 CRI in French  -49db - new jammed by Kontainer of -80dbm2105 Liangas 27/3
9585 CRI?? Arabic 2116   singing nasyid songs , phone in -57dbm  Liangas 27/3
9600 GCTN English -55dbm  with changes on buildings in a city Liangas27/3
9640 CRI in Spanish , 2116 naturalism program-45dbm Liangas 27/3
9655  CRImusic ? 2120 nice Chinese pop song –55dbm Liangas 27/3


Technical Radio monitor
https://bit.ly/34NEBpc why SDR is better
https://bit.ly/3Ii7xn8   Focus on Ukraine notices  - everyday updates
https://linktr.ee/zliangas all my pages

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