Hard-Core-DX.com: Solomon Islands: SIBC commentary on war in Ukraine (pro Putin, against the West)

Solomon Islands: SIBC commentary on war in Ukraine (pro Putin, against the West)

Monday, March 07 2022


Rodney, next time tell us about this NPR NGO organization.

Where does NPR come from ?

10 minutes of searching on the Google Chrome website
did not show me a major US city as a home location.

NPR is completely unknown here ... but has excellent image design,
sharp photos though.

NPR is an independent, nonprofit media organization that was founded on a
mission to create a more informed public.

Why fleeing Ukrainians get a warmer welcome in Europe than other refugees

That's easy: they are just East European neighbours,
they are mostly Catholic or even Yiddish Jews,
they are true families in the western sense, with young ladies,
their childs, their grandmas etc.

Even if about 4 million of 42 million Ukrainians will stay further on in
Western countries and Brexit England,
these Putin's war refugees are intelligent, they are educated people,
and most welcome in the EU as workers, students and pupils.
.... and as most welcome participants of our western home community.

The German state has allocated 23 billion dollars in the budget
every year since the Muslim emigrants crisis in 2015 under chancellor
Angela Merkel, we will certainly continue that annually also
for our welcome East European Slavs.

73 wolfy df5sx

ps. Uyghurs
... are strong Turk Muslim faith,
that is the problem for the Chinese dictatorship of Communist Party
compared to their other 55 nationalities living-together in China mainland.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rodney Johnson" <rodneyj44@gmail.com>

Sent: Monday, March 07, 2022 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: [WOR] Solomon Islands: SIBC commentary on war in Ukraine (pro
Putin, against the West)

Quite frankly, obvious and trite epithets toward anything critical of
western media defeats any purpose it supposedly represents. That's all that
is going on in that article, nothing more. Anti-western media doesn't
necessarily equate to being "Pro-Putin" as you suggest. Unless, of course,
you'd rather follow the propaganda headlong into WWIII. Personally, I'd
rather not.

[...] If articles like that get your ire, brace yourselves. More are coming,
as the following:

Wenda likens Ukraine crisis to that of West Papua (
https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/462731/wenda-likens-ukraine-crisis-to-that-of-west-papua )

Even NPR is noticing there's differences of how the west is treating this
Refugee crisis compared to others from Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq in the
very recent past:

Why fleeing Ukrainians get a warmer welcome in Europe than other refugees
( https://www.npr.org/2022/03/03/1084201542/ukraine-refugees-racism )

If the first world is supposed to be more intellectually enlightened than
the rest, we might just start acting like it. Or is it just simple science
that the family fleeing Syrian gas attacks is treated as a "migrant" but all
Caucasian people fleeing Urkraine are automatically "Refugees". And, well,
China is good for western corporations, so you know, look the other way at
what is happening to the Uyghurs. - 73s

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