Hard-Core-DX.com: WBCQ 4790 (Radio Angela) tests February 20-26

WBCQ 4790 (Radio Angela) tests February 20-26

Thursday, February 17 2022

WBCQ 4790 kHz (Radio Angela) runs its final week of propagation tests
February 20-26 US local date (February 21-27 world date) as follows:

0300-0500 UTC February 20-21 world date (10pm-12pm EST US date)
0200-0400 UTC February 22-27 world date (9pm-11pm EST US date)

Programs used in the testing are Behavior Night, Marion's Attic, From
the Isle of Music, Uncle Bill's Melting Pot, Bluegrass Frame of Mind,
Jetzt Geht's Los!, Tom Call Theater, Rock Wave and a sneak preview of
WBCQ Concert Hall.

When the Radio Angela regular schedule begins world date March 1 (US
date February 28), these programs will be joined by several new shows
presented by talent from around the world.  So far the signal is
performing well in most of North America east of the Rockies and several
countries in western and central Europe.

EQSLs are available from 4790info@gmail.com

