Hard-Core-DX.com: ERT commemorates World Radio Day with "black" in shortwaves

ERT commemorates World Radio Day with "black" in shortwaves

Sunday, February 13 2022

THis article has been sent to me via my best man an ex-DXer of the90s

Today is "World Radio Day", and the government has decided tocommemorate it by suspending the NRA's international shortwave programme. Thetransmission of the shortwave signal, by decision of the ERT management, willcontinue until 31 March 2022.

The reason for the decision, which was signed by ERT's CEO GeorgeGabritsos, is that shortwave radio is technologically obsolete. ERT'smanagement, in order to throw black to the public radio's sw , invokes theevolution of technology and similar decisions of other European broadcasters,while as a counterbalance, it proposes "the acceleration of thedissemination through the Internet, in the coming months, of the Voice ofGreece and ERT's main news bulletin".

Also, ERT's management has decided to proceed with the dismantling of theantennas in the Medium Wave Transmission Centres (Megara, Rhodes, Chania,Komotini, Malgara, etc.), while at the same time, as an "alternativeproposal", apparently after the necessary consultations with the Maximoubuilding, ERT invites the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence to declarewhether they wish to take over the use of shortwaves. "The relevant ERTdepartments are ordered to immediately inform the Ministries of Foreign Affairsand Defence of ERT's intention, so that they can decide whether they wish tocontinue operating the Rockets, as well as to acquire ownership and operationof the Rockets on their own responsibility," the decision states, alsoinstructing that the procedures for the guarding of the Avlida BroadcastingCentre be initiated.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

PNO: There is nointernet in the oceans

So this usefulability of short waves to carry radio transmissions over long distances on theplanet makes them a useful communication tool, and this is what those whooppose the interruption of ERT's shortwave transmission are mainly focused on.

The first toreact to the choice of the ERT administration and the government were,predictably, the Greek seafarers, who through the Panhellenic Seamen'sFederation (PNO), called on all responsible to reconsider the whole issue tocontinue normal and uninterrupted operation in Vrahea, stressing that theargument that other countries do not broadcast in Vrahea, is untenable becausemost countries do not have seagoing ships. "The excuse that the majorityof the public media in Europe have stopped broadcasting on Brahéa and that inthe coming months ERT will speed up the dissemination of the above programmeson the internet is not convincing since the majority of European countries donot have the manpower and the number of fleet that Greece has and, above all,the vastness of the oceans is not covered on the internet which, moreover, iscostly", PNO notes.

It also notesthat with this decision, the broadcasting of the radio programme 'The Voice ofGreece' and the ERT Central News bulletin in Vrahea, which was the onlybroadcast that connected Greek seafarers everywhere with their homeland fortheir information and entertainment, ceases.

Piraeus LabourCentre: devaluation of workers

The LabourCentre of Piraeus also expresses its opposition, sharing the reactions of theseafarers, stressing that "the "executive state" of Mitsotakisand the ERT Administration are throwing a new black mark on public radiofrequencies".

 As the Piraeus EPC stresses, "theydecided to close the "Voice of Greece" since it is known thatespecially from the short waves ERT serves its constitutional obligation tobroadcast Greek content all over the world. In this way, the millions of Greeksliving abroad, our seafarers, the thousands of workers employed abroad,students, cease to have access to information, culture and entertainment, theumbilical cord with our country is interrupted".

POSPERT: Second"black" on radio frequencies from the Southwest Unacceptable,characterizes the decision of the "appointed by the government"administration of ERT, and the Panhellenic Federation of Staff Associations ofGreek Radio and Television Employees (P.O.S.P.E.R.T.), stressing that this is amove to downgrade public broadcasting and an act of "authoritarianism andrevanchism."

"TheShortwave Broadcasting Centre, which is the only one in Greece, plays a crucialrole in serving ERT's constitutional purpose and the transmission of its radioprogramme throughout the world, which POSPERT and its employees kept openduring the struggle against the 'black coup', ensuring both the transmission ofthe programme and the equipment of ERT, which is the public property of theGreek people.

Great impressionand concern for the security issues of the country, is caused by the briefingof the Administration in the form of a question (! ) to the Ministries ofDefence and Foreign Affairs to decide for themselves whether they wish tocontinue the operation of the Vrahei on their own responsibility, at a timewhen a number of neighbouring countries of common geopolitical interest aremodernizing and strengthening similar structures", stresses POSPERT andstates that the indifference of ERT's administration has even allowed theft inthe facilities of the Vrahei Broadcasting Centre.

"Despitethe constant interventions of POSPERT, the ERT management has purposefully ledthe Broadcasting Centre to decline and under-performance, understaffed andunderstaffed, leaving it in the hands of various sophisticated privateindividuals, without even caring about the safety of the staff and thecompany's high-value equipment. Besides, it is characteristic that untilrecently the management had not even taken care of the security of the site,with the result that there were serious complaints about thefts in the site bythird parties and only after the actions of POSPERT a guard was placed in thesite.

In a series ofdocuments we had called on the Management to act immediately, taking all thenecessary protective measures and to take the appropriate legal actions, so asto end this unacceptable situation at the Avlida Broadcasting Centre and tosafeguard ERT's employees and property, stressing the need for the exploitationof the Avlida Broadcasting Centre", POSPERT stresses and notes that thesuspension of the operation of the Broadcasting Centre is a gagging practice"known from the 'old days', such as the one used in June 2013, when ERT'sbroadcasting frequencies were blacked out".

"Radio andtrust" However, ERT today did not forget World Radio Day, which itdescribes as the world's most trusted medium of information andentertainment". It dedicates a series of radio programmes entitled"Radio and Trust" to this day. Only in the case of the short ones,ERT's trust turns out to be ... short.

Read more at:https://parallaximag.gr/thessaloniki/ert-tima-tin-pagkosmia-imera-radiofonou-me-mavro-sta-vrachea

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