Hard-Core-DX.com: Indy Radio, Seville, Spain, testing on 6931 kHz

Indy Radio, Seville, Spain, testing on 6931 kHz

Thursday, February 03 2022

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

SPAIN, Indy Radio, Seville?, 6931, 1655-1729, 02-02, Spanish rock songs,
id"Sintonizas Indy Radio, la independiente FM". Weak.

Checked 0550-0615, 03-02, out of the air.

"Sintonizas Indy Radio, la independiente FM"

Website and contact:
info at indyradio.es

Short wave 6931 kHz.

Text from its website translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free

"We are INDY RADIO FM, the first national radio station to broadcast on
the Internet, our beginnings are in the FM band of Seville and we were
pioneers to start broadcasting on the network back in 1996 ..., although
under the current name since 1998, using very primitive technical means
yet, but managing to broadcast continuously for the whole world. We are
the pioneers of the country, we have been broadcasting pop/rock music in
Spanish or in any language of the Spanish state for years and years
without any commercial purpose, we have millions of listeners.

We broadcast non-profit, we do not broadcast advertising, only promos of
NGOs or social councils.

INDY RADIO FM is the best option if you like pop/rock national music of
the 80s/90s/00s.

We broadcast through apps like TuneIn or MyTuner and many more. We are
currently testing on 6930khz.

Coming soon... more broadcasting news, no commercial purpose, only

Indy Radio, the independent FM

"Somos INDY RADIO FM, la primera emisora nacional en emitir por
internet, nuestros comienzos son en la banda de FM de Sevilla y fuimos
pioneros al empezar a emitir en la red allá por el año 1996..., aunque
bajo la denominación actual desde 1998, usando medios técnicos muy
primitivos aún, pero logrando emitir de forma continuada para todo el
mundo. Somos los pioneros del pais, llevamos años y años emitiendo sin
ningun fin comercial musica pop/rock en español o en cualquier lengua
del estado español, sumamos millones de oyentes.

Emitimos sin animo de lucro, no emitimos publicidad, solo promos de ONG
o consejos sociales.

INDY RADIO FM es la mejor opción si te gusta el pop/rock música nacional
de los 80/90/00s

Emitimos por apps como TuneIn o MyTuner y muchas más. Actualmente en
pruebas por 6930khz.

En breve... más novedades de emisión, sin fin comercial, solo cultural.

Indy Radio, la independiente FM"
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