Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs February 2, 2022

Glenn Hauser logs February 2, 2022

Thursday, February 03 2022

** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98 RCUSB, Feb 2 at 1500, LRA36 is on again this
summery Wednesday, via Brasil SDRs: Pardinho is worst, not best, with
too much noise; Campo better, but Brasília #2 best. 1535 closing,
``hasta la próxima``, Antártida theme song, but --- starts over with
``sign-on`` at 1538.7, ``a partir de ---``, multilingual IDs, but
chopped off air at 1547* (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 9700, Feb 2 at 0725, S9+10 of dead air from RHC, while all
others of The Cuban Five on 5 & 6 MHz have been offturned. Something`s
always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** EGYPT. 9899.606v, Feb 2 at 2134 check, via UTwente, R. Cairo is
S9+25/35, with scratchy modulation attempts much like yesterday, or
just silence except for some hum. Comments on the WOR iog:

From Dan Robinson, ex-VOA: ``As Glenn likes to say -- there is always
something egregiously wrong at Radio Cairo. Perhaps it's time for the
DX/SWL community to pitch in for a special delegation of knowledgeable
persons to visit to help them out?``

But Christian Milling of SWService in Germany replies: ``I've offered
them help a dozen times, either having a look at the SW txes or
bringing on a reliable live stream or checking their leveling issue
--- Forget it. It will never change`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NETHERLANDS. 5954.987, Feb 2 at 2341, pop ballad in English,
S9+10/15 via UTwente, first noticed as ACI to Turkey/China on 5960,
q.v. EiBi says Sunlite Radio but only at 04-17; while Aoki shows
overnite on days 3 & 6 = Tuesday & Friday but this is Wednesday going
into European Thursday:
5955 0500-1800 HOL ICON BV.Sunlite Radio Dut Overslag 1-7
5955 1800-0500 HOL ICON BV.Sunlite Radio Dut Overslag 36

But WRTH 2022 shows overnight 1800-0600 only on Saturday as a daggered
irregular test: does that mean Saturday into UT Sunday, or Friday into
UT Saturday??? 500 watts. SHN`s latest Feb list of Euro private SW
stations says 24/7, plans daily 0400-1700. Location is Westdorpe,
which is in SW Neth right on the Belgian border. Operator clarified
that it is barely on the Dutch side. That`s 238 km = 148 stmi from
UTwente at Entschede. As if confirming at an awkward distance, 2348 ID
fades right as the name is said, and then stays downfaded; 2359
announcement definitely in Dutch; 2401, YL ID as ``This is Sunlite``
and back to music (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 515 MCW kHz, Feb 2 at 0715 UT, PN, 25 watt NDB at Ponca
City is back! After two days AWOL (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 1640 kHz, Feb 2 at 0713, KZLS Enid is back to talk show,
and running about 1 second behind same on 1650. What`s that? `Red Eye
Radio`, via KYHN, as listed on RER affiliates website. Allegedly in Ft
Smith AR, it`s really in Sallisaw, OKLAHOMA; so no need for any [non]s
here. DXers and editors who ought to know better seem oblivious to
this distinxion. BTW, I don`t hear it much, day or night, for a
station so close; 1650 usually dominated by Iowa, or even Colorado or
Texas moreso than KYHN at night (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** SPAIN. 9690, Wed Feb 2 at 2306, token English from REE is VG
S9+15/22 into Maryland SDR, as Justin Coe is interviewing a
flamenco/fusion guitarist and composer, José Luís Montón, whose name
makes a bilingual website, never mind the accents? Recorded before
Xmas; too much talk, too little music until 2317 - but just a pause
before more interview. 2320 axually asks him to ``play 15-20 seconds
of his beautiful sweet music``, but fortunately lasts a bit longer.
More like a full minute! Closes with a full song by his collaboratress
in latest release (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY [and non]. 5960, Feb 2 at 2305, no VOT signal into UTwente,
but a trace of something; 2318 now nothing but the Chinese, S9+15/25
from EAST TURKISTAN, standard denunciation. 2331 recheck now atop the
ChiCom is a tone on 5959.887 per Sync when tuned to 5960; but also
locks on 5960.888 if tuned up to there: so that means a 1 kHz tone but
not centred on 5960.000, from VOT. Tone stops at 2338. And now sync
lox a tad above 5960.000 as Chinese again audible. Kuwait is also
well-known for its 5960 offfrequenciness but never at this hour (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2123 monitoring: ``From: Richard
Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, the desk of Richard’s listening
Post, Radio: JRC NRD-535 HF, Antenna: random long wires in the trees.
Dear Glenn: World of Radio #2123, confirmed, below with Details:

5850, confirmed hearing #2123, 0159, January 28 UT [Fri]
7730, S9 signal, variable, 0030, 0044 (45433), 0059, Jan 30 UT [Sun]
7730, confirmed hearing #2123, 0059, January 31 UT [Mon]
9955, stormy conditions, 2330, 2336, S 9 signal, 2359, Feb 1 UT [Tue]
5850, slight QRN, 1030, 1057 (55433), 1059, Feb 2 UT [Wed] (Lemke,
Richard -AB)``

Also confirmed here when I happen to awaken, VG Wednesday February 2
at 1045 on WRMI 5850.

Also confirmed Wed Feb 2 at 2228 the 2200:21 on WBCQ 7490.1v, JBA
direct in hi noise/low signal level. At first suspected WBCQ off.

0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary
support. Thanks this week to Michael Beu, Austin TX for a
contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com and says:
``Hey Glenn: Thanks for all of the timely DX/RF technology info that
WOR provide this year. WOR/Club bulletins more important than
ever with demise of WRTH.``

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702.

New WOR 2124 should be ready early UT Friday February 4 for download
and first airings on WRMI 5850 & 7780 at 0130; if we don`t lose power
during winter storm (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0018 UT February 3
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