Hard-Core-DX.com: Radio Vanuatu back on air on 5040, heard via SDR Kiwi remote receiver in Marahau, New Zealand

Radio Vanuatu back on air on 5040, heard via SDR Kiwi remote receiver in Marahau, New Zealand

Wednesday, February 02 2022

on 0950 the signal is with very weak SNR . Tested in 4 kSDrs in Northern NZ IN Maharau SNZ with S10 signal
Local pop songs passing without ID on 1000 IS in 1004 Woman with very local english Pronunciation News

On Wednesday, February 2, 2022, 10:03:41 AM GMT+2, Manuel Méndez <manuelmendezn@gmail.com> wrote:

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log via SDR Kiwi remote receiver in Marahau, New Zealand

VANUATU, 5040, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila, 0753-0802, 02-02, English,comments, mentioned "Vanuatu", music, at 0800, id. "Radio Vanuatu", "Seven O’clock", news. Fair signal.
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