Hard-Core-DX.com: Last Channel 292 Newsletter in 2021

Last Channel 292 Newsletter in 2021

Thursday, December 30 2021

Dear friends and listeners of Radio Channel 292, at the end of the
year some more news.

For the first time ever you can receive Radio ohne Namen - 
jetzt geht's los
on 9670 kHz, too; this will be on
Saturday and Sunday: target=_new href="http://www.hard-core-dx.com/redirect.php?https://www.channel292.de/schedule-9670-khz/">
, SDXF from
Sweden, directed to Scandinavia on Saturday, and also on Saturday Crusader
targeting Russia.

At the moment we experience some problems, caused by a Windows
update last week, but this should be solved soon.

Finally in 2021 we could finish our lawsuit against the transmitter
site in Kall. Already some years ago Kall was located as the source
of jamming of our frequencies 3955 and 6070 kHz by the
Bundesnetzagentur (BNA); even during this lawsuit still in progress,
we still were jammed on 3955 kHz, and again the BNA located Kall as
perpetrator. Now the person in charge of the transmitters signed in
court a declaration to cease and desist enforced by penalty, so we
hope that this bollocks finally stopped.

We wish all our friends and listeners a happy and successful 2022,
and say thank you to all, who have supported us in which way ever.

