Hard-Core-DX.com: Fw: Radio Emma Toc

Fw: Radio Emma Toc

Monday, December 27 2021

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

"Radio Emma Toc" <emmatoc1922@gmail.com>
Para: "Manuel Méndez" <manuelmendezn@gmail.com>
Enviado: 27/12/2021 15:28:18
Asunto: Radio Emma Toc

To Radio Emma Toc World Service Listeners

Thanks to everyone who joined me recently for our first test stream
broadcast. I'm looking at making this a regular event, & will be
carrying out another broadcast during this Christmas holiday period on
Tuesday 28th December at 16:00UTC. This will again be on our Mixcloud
stream page, & will again cover general radio enthusiast items including
a look at WRMI (& their 'Jesus Stick'!), distribution of solar powered
radios in Africa, & more offshore vessels & forts with radio

If you would like to join me, simply click on the link below just before
16:00UTC on Tuesday, & all being well, I will be there from 16:00UTC. I
will try & play a recording of the show once this has finished, & if
possible return at 20:00UTC for more of the same.


Please note - there's nothing from us on this page before we start our

For further details have a look here at my Twitter or Facebook pages


If there are any problems or changes then I will post on the above
nearer the time. Hope to see you on Tuesday!

Many thanks.

PS - I am sending you this general email because you have been in
contact with us before after one of our AM or FM radio broadcasts. If
you would like to be notified by email before any future broadcasts or
streams, please simply reply to this email with a 'yes please' or

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