Hard-Core-DX.com: KBS Spanish via Greenville-B center at 01.00 UT

KBS Spanish via Greenville-B center at 01.00 UT

Monday, December 20 2021

USA no hay prueba Dec 20

Checked the 01 UT test hour, which requested in hfcc.org database
under 9870 kHz Sun / Mon til 27 March 2022

Nothing tests of KBS Spanish noted in 31 mb tonight. Though nominal

11880 kHz at 00.53 UT carrier on air already, S=9+20dB, and also some 8 x
120 Hertz apart distance strings visible on either sideband, seemingly the
RIR Zabreb txs in use ?

KBS Spanish switch on was late around 01.01:04 UTC.

male and female joked when the program started, with
some laughs had been heard ...
73 wolfy df5sx

see last week item:

USA 9870 kHz Prueba de KBS World Radio. ENC brokery tells Sun / Mon
days :

9870 kHz 0100-0200 UT to ITU zones #12,14. Korean Broadcasting System via
ENC brokery in Spanish language, Greenville, NC (Site B) 35N28 077W12
164degr azimuth, 250 kW 12=Sun/Mon 12-Dec-2021 to 27-Mar-2022


[AER foroDX via wor ] 9870 kHz Prueba de KBS World Radio.
Ivo says it's 9870. Which is correct? Has he heard it on 9870 kHz ?
Site not revealed, probably Greenville like 11880 kHz. Glenn

AER, 09 Dec 2021, <https:aer.org.es/archivos/32924>
Atencion prueba de KBS World Radio. Frecuencia: 9.780 kHz
Fecha de emision: 12 y 13 de diciembre (domingo y lunes)
Horario: 01:00 UTC (la misma hora que la de 11.880 kHz).

Les pedimos enviar los comentarios sobre la nueva frecuencia. Seran esen-
ciales para mejorar la recepcion de la emisiones. Gracias de antemano,
Servicio en Espanol, KBS WORLD Radio, <spanish -at- kbs.co.kr>
(viaa Adriel Amaya; via AER foro dx, wor Dec 14)

