For anyone who didn't visited the page as posted in the WOR list , you can find once again the post from Nicolangelo Palermo the designer of Perseus receiver in his Facebook account
Full article with comments can be found in this link¬if_id=1638451468544179¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif
Medium wave DXing?There's much fun with it but you need some good antenna if you wish to copy some trans-atlantic signal immersed among local stations.Here is an example of what you might hear with a simple antenna system and a single channel receiver: many signals do you copy? For sure some music and an arabic speaker in the background but not that much and with a lot of interference.Anyway, with a multichannel receiver and clever algorithms things can go incredibly better.Here is what can be heard digitally processing the same signal with four omnidirectional sensors. There are three signals: some local music, an arabic speaker and radio Reloj from Cuba, and each of them can be perfectly copied.Here are the outputs generated by the four channel receiver : (the music) (the arabic speaker) (Radio Reloj - Cuba)All of them are now perfectly separated and can be copied without any interference.Not bad, isn't it?NOTE: The signals received by the four sensors have been synthesized simulating selective fading and frequency offsets. A four channel receiver samples them and produces the input for an algorithm which automatically estimates the transmitted signals and separate them without any a priori knowlegde on the directions of arrival.
Zacharias LiangasAirspyHF+Discovery with SDRConsole &2x16 mΛ &3x9m Δ
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