Hard-Core-DX.com: Log 20 November 2021

Log 20 November 2021

Sunday, November 21 2021

Log of 20 November 2021

Location: Syracuse New York

Receiver: Tecsun PL-398BT

Antenna 35’ (11 m) insulated wire

All times UTC


2:17 R. Romania in French to East N. America on 5990 from Galbeni. 55555

2:30 RAE Argentina To The World in Italian to Latin America on 5800 from
Okeechobee. 11111

16:45 R. Ext. Espana on 9690 in Spanish to N. America from Noblejas.

16:46 WINB on 9265 in English to N. America from Red Lion. 44244

16:49 CRI on 17880 in Arabic to N. Africa from Bamako. 44555

16:54 R. Ext. Espana on 12030 in Spanish to the Middle East from
Nonlejas. 34333

16:55 Deutschmark Welle on 11830 in Amharic to E. Africa from Issoudun.

17:48 VOA in English on 15580 to Africa from Selebi. 22322

17:51 R. Habana Cuba in Spanish on 15140 to E. North America. 32233

17:54 BBC from Woofferton to Nigeria on 12065 in Hausa. 33233

17:55 VOA from Lampertheim to E. Africa on 12040 in Ormo. 22212

17:57 IBRA Radio from Woofferton in Arabic to E. Africa on 11965. 43444
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