Hard-Core-DX.com: FRS on air over Radio Miami Int. November 21st 01:00- 02:00 UTC

FRS on air over Radio Miami Int. November 21st 01:00- 02:00 UTC

Tuesday, November 16 2021

FRS on air over Radio Miami Int. November 21st

In the night of Saturday
November 20th to Sunday November 21
 between 01:00- 02:00 UTC = 02:00- 03:00 CET, FRS will have
a 2nd relay over the 100 kW transmitter of WRMI,
Radio Miami Int. broadcasting from Florida, USA. The
broadcast will be aired on 5950 kHz. FRS is invilted by Texas
Radio Shortwave
. Although the signal is primarily
beamed at North & South America, Euro reception is
possible. The first relay was on August 14th
producing some very interesting e-mails from all over the

August 14th 

Late May we
got an invitation/offer via e-mail from Texas Radio
Shortwave. “Would FRSH be interested in having an hour
program aired at no cost over WRMI, Okeechobee, Floride
USA in August
?” The answer was obvious! Of course
we’d be interested!

What’s the story behind? Texas
Radio SW selected a number of low power Euro SW stations
that broadcast interesting programs. Aim is to provide
interesting content for North American listeners who may not
know these stations exist and for DXers who can’t hear these
stations under current solar conditions. A first series went
out in July & August and a second series started last
September running until late November.

Well, the August 14th FRSH broadcast on
5800 kHz went well, not to wonder knowing no less then
100,000 watts went out via Radio Miami Int.’s Florida based
broadcasting site.We received numerous letters/ reports from
North & South American listeners (including Brazil,
Uruguay & Argentina) plus a few from Europe. FRS-Holland
expresses its gratitude to Texas Radio SW for this great
initiative! Thank you guys! The 5800 kHz signal was
primarily targeted at North American listeners but also in
South America satisfactory results could be achieved. For
European listeners things looked different. Euro reception
is more problematic though certainly not impossible! Of
course there was yet another obstacle for Euro Dxers: the
broadcast started at 02:00 UTC which is for the majority of
listeners in the middle of the night: 04:00 CEST!

In the 58 minute show a look back at 40 years of FRS-Holland
mentioning a number of ups and downs in the station’s rich
history. And of course ‘typical’  FRS music & jingles.

target=_new href="http://www.hard-core-dx.com/redirect.php?http://www.frsholland.nl/20-latest-news/155-frs-on-air-over-radio-miami-int-november-21st.html">http://www.frsholland.nl/20-latest-news/155-frs-on-air-over-radio-miami-int-november-21st.html


style="font-size:12pt;">Manuel Méndez

Lugo, Spain

