Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs November 1-2, 2021

Glenn Hauser logs November 1-2, 2021

Tuesday, November 02 2021

** CANADA. 269-MCW kHz, Nov 1 at 0650 UT, ND beacon dash and UDE, 50
watts from Delta, Manitoba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CHINA [and non]. 9665, re heavy ACI to WOR on Ch 292, Germany, 9670
at 1330: New HFCC shows CRI Russian at 1300-1400 is 500 kW, 292
degrees from Xi`an site, not East Turkistan = land of imperialist
ChiCom genocide against Uyghurs and other Moslems. 292 is listed as 25
kW available 24 hours, non-direxional (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** FRANCE. 17800.095V, Nov 1 at 1501, MiniTransAt yacht race marine
weather in French, météo, after a bit of music, S9. Carrier is audibly
and visibly wobbling, plus/minus at least 7 Hz, centred more or less
here but difficult to pinpoint. I wonder if clients get a discount for
a defective Issoudun transmitter or even know about it.

Others continue reporting the DRM version at 1700 on 17795-17805.
Chris Mackerell, NZ, says, ``If they use the "DRMcast" stuff again you
won't be able to decode it without borrowing one of the special
"suitcase" receiver/decoders from one of the yachts. Cheers, Chris``.
Well, I had no problem decoding it with an ordinary KiwiSDR.

And Hansjoerg Biener, Germany, says, ``On earlier occasions, DXers
were told that neither TDF nor organizers of the race were interested
in reception reports from outside`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN [and non]. 11670, Nov 1 at 2303, collision of two weak
stations; has REE stayed here instead of 11685 which is HFCC
registered, also in Aoki for B-21 until 2400, ex-2300; but no signal
for Africa on 11685? The other of course is RHC still starting at
2300, which had only a small overlap with REE. I do not get an REE //
confirmation now, so could be CNR2 as logged Oct 22, tho not scheduled
now. REE anyhow is VG anyhow for M/W/F English to us on 9690, // 11940
SAm and 12030 ME (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TIBET [non]. 12125, Nov 1 at 1513, something new on previously
vacant frequency, Chinese? and music mixing, S9-S7. New HFCC B-21
shows USAGM via TINIAN at 1500-1600, 250 kW, 296 degrees in BOD
dialect of Tibetan. WRTH shows RFA also on 12125 back in B-20; now the
ChiCom jammer is already back on it (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 11815.009, Nov 1 at 1508, something new here for B-21;
certainly not Brasil or Japan; interview in language S9/+10 with some
intonation similar to French? but not. Of course, it`s Türkish from
TRT back here for the season, 1400-1700, 250 kW, 310 degrees USward
from Emirler, where something`s always erroneous, slightly
off-frequency. Japan had finished 11815 at 1500 but now also listed
for 1500-1700, no sign of that now (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 5960, Nov 1 at 2301, VOT English to N America confirmed
here on B-21 sked, S9+20 but noisy, ex-2200 on 9830. As I tune in,
warning that the 22-23 and 03-04 [sic] broadcasts were recorded
earlier, out of date info and probably also uttered entire out-of-date
A21 English sked. Something`s always awry at Ankara (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** TURKEY. 6125, Nov 2 at *0358, VOT carrier finally cuts on, S9/+10
into Maryland SDR, but no mod, no IS or IDs. Trouble keeping it on
air, never any mod applied, just as well: -0400*, *0403.5-0404*,
*0405; *0407.5* split second off-and-on, then stays,
just-barely-modulated toward end of English newscast, something about
vaccines. It`s ``normal`` listening level if I turn the Kiwi and my
own volume to max. Something`s almost erroneous at Emirler.

I had wanted to hear whether the opening schedule were totally wrong
A-21, as suspected but missed heading previous repeat at 2300 on 5960.
Anyhow, now confirmed on new B-21 final repeat at latened winter time
and lowered winter frequency, ex-0300 on 7275. Now the // is 7285
toward ME and JBA here S5-S9. 0411-0413 `Review of Turkish Press`
about Turkish involvement in some Romeeeting, music. Now it`s back to
webcasts from my two favorite New Mexico stations` other/global music
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 299-MCW kHz, Nov 1 at 0649 UT, ND beacon HW, which is 25
watts from Wilmington / Kuebler, Ohio. I was tuned to 297-USB. Nothing
listed on 297 itself (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7489.9v, Nov 1 at 2302, secret replay of semi-`UBMP` on
WBCQ, good S9+20/30. Less need to resort to webcast, especially since
UB`s shows remain deliberately monophonic even there. 2330 chop to ID,
few notes of `Camp Constitution Radio`` theme/jingle, and NO spot
commercial this time, right into show. From next week of course, to
pretend to be at the ``same`` time by local clox, *real* Universal
times will be one hour later, i.e. original at 23-24 Sundays,
semi-repeat at 0000-0030 UT Tuesdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report despatched at 0441 UT November 2
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