Hard-Core-DX.com: Wolfgang Bueschel log

Wolfgang Bueschel log

Sunday, October 24 2021


Buzzy free RHC 6060even - clear! audio sound - not! buzzy disturbed
anymore - 20 kHz wideband audio block, tx seemingly repaired now, and
also later at 07.03 UT checked additional 6164.998 kHz RHC accompanied
from Bauta site, both Esperanto sundays, played Guantanamera of Spanish
language singer group at 07.21 UT.

More Cuban: 5040even from Bauta, English 6-7 UT, then from 07.00 UT in
Spanish further schedule ? Also Spanish of Radio Rebelde, trumpet music
at 07.00 UT, exact measured 5024.997 kHz odd fq little on lower sideband.

And also two USAGM opposite SCRATCHING bcast of small 2.5 kHz wide noise
signalk to jam R Marti Spanish transmissions from USAGM Greenville NC,
on 5980 and 6030 kHz locally on the Cuban Island audience target.

KOREA REP  heard 6000.029 kHz excellent signal, - I guess from Asian Far
East -, En / Korean language mixture program towards D.P.R.Korea
northern neighbour, at 07.26 UT, -90dBm signal at Masset-BC-CAN, Walt's
playground, hi.

MALI  But also from the other - eastern path - 5995.000 exact fq, French
talk channel of RTVM Bamako Mali, S=6 in western Canada, at 07.12 UT.

MEXICO  6184.970 a lot of Hertz desav. on lower side this morning,
cry-like modern Mexican pop mx at 07.04 UT, followed by saxophone play
at 07.07 UT on Oct 24.

USA  6159.950 on lower side, WBCQ tiny string visible at 07.09 UT,
station is also on 4789.980 kHz, BUT NOT on requested 3265 kHz in 90 mb.

3215even powerhouse of S=9+25dB signal, TOM BS sermon ?, via WWCR
Tennessee, at 07.18 UT on Oct 24.

BRAZIL  The Brazilian seemingly on 4885.028 kHz measured today, tiny
S=3-4 signal at 07.25 UT.

73 wolfy  df5sx

