Hard-Core-DX.com: Spaceshuttle 12265 kHz today

Spaceshuttle 12265 kHz today

Sunday, September 26 2021

Hi, after 2,5 months of silance Spaceshuttle will have
transmission day on Monday 27th of September.

Day includes short tests of propagation as well combined 19th
Birthday of us.

Only frequency in use will be12265 kHz.

Several test starting perhaps 6 hours UTC You can tune your RX
on this frequency and check yourself when we are there. Best time
of propagation might vary depending where and with which
equipments you try to listen.

So we have very low power in use. But surprises might happen.

Wishing you luck with listenening. 

Quick instant and details Reports welcome during this testday .
Audiofiles most wanted.


All correct reports came until 30th of Seprember will be
verified during weekend 1-3. October. Also QSLs of earlier
transmission this summer will be verified same time.

NO NEED to any FOLOW UP reports! We have all reports came
in safe.  

Today we are only on 12265 kHz.

Best regards



Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

