Hi,who knows, whether WTWW, WRMI and WWRB themselves send QSLs nowadays.
Paper cards or eQSLs?
Should I send a letter with return postage/SASE or is it enough to send
an email or enter the report to a webform?WRMI offers a webform, but will they really spend the money and send a
card by snail mail?73! Frank
Frank Helmbold DB9DT, Radio Amateur and SWL
Rotenburg(Wuemme) in Northern Germany, JO43rc
AM: Elad FDM-S2 with SDR-Console V3, magnetic loop HDLA2
VHF: ICOM IC-R7000, 6m: ant. DF6SJ design, 3m: 5 ele. Yagi
also: Drake SPR4, Sony ICF2001d and ICF PRO-80, 20m wire with MLB_
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