Highlights from this issue: - QSL information and SW-logs - Sendero Luminoso ataca a una radio opositora a Cerrón en Tarma, DX-Fanzine - 4712 kHz. Rostov radio. Rus-DX - KYRGYZSTAN ON SHORTWAVE, RUS-DX - Let's listen to the Soviet tube radio R-311 and compare the reception with the Japanese ic-7300 transceiver. RUS-DX - In the archives of the Pskov region, an advertisement for Radio of the 1925 model was found. RUS-DX - HOW YOU CAN INTERCEPT SECRET MESSAGES BEING SENT TO SPIES. RUS-DX - Radio Stations In Stamps. RUS-DX - The Short Wave and DXing Collection. RUS-DX - June 2021 issue of Asian DX Review. RUS-DX - [WOR] Mystery of the Lincolnshire Poacher, WOR - Radio Boulevard, Western Historic Museum - Hallicrafters Model SX-28 Communications Receiver (1941) - EDXC has been postponed, May 28, 2021 - Medium Wave Circle Launches New Website - new for 2021 - [HCDX] #289 Reception in Southeastern BRAZIL - May 30, 2021 - New K9AY++ with remote control option soon on web. Also 4-way Bi-Dir beverage system. A-DX - EXPANDED FM IN BRAZIL - NEW HISTORY MATERIAL AT <http://www.ontheshortwaves.com/> - Classic ad in Swedish Electronics Magazines in the 1960’ies - DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1980.pdf |