Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs July 9-10, 2021

Glenn Hauser logs July 9-10, 2021

Saturday, July 10 2021

** CUBA. 6100, July 9 at 0612, RHC in wrong language Spanish instead
of English; 5040 and 6000 are off; only 6165 with English at S9+10/20
concluding NAm weather report by Chief Meteorologist; and JBA carrier
on 6060, is that RHC? Only other listee is SRDA 24h from Brasil in
Aoki, but never reported, not even in WRTH 2021 nor in EiBi..
Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. No luck on FM DX today July 9 but a few relogged 10m ham

28224.5-CW, July 9 at 2012, K5GJR/B EL17:
There was phone QRM from English QSO in USB-28226.

28289.6-CW, July 9 at 2016, AL AL AL DE WJ5O/B:
``28.2893 WJ5O C TROY ALABAMA # 2W VERTICAL New Frequency 25 Jan 14``
i.e. the very proprietor of the 10m beacon roster on qsl.net

28281.0-CW, July 9 at 2019, DE W8EH ...

Also lots of CB pileups via sporadic E, and freebanders such as unID:
27455-USB, July 9 at 2023, CCI from at least two QSOs in Spanish and
partly in English; apparently they do not bother each other. Also WWV
JBA on 25000. Nothing else of interest in the 26s or 25s (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. 7780, re WRMI with Hal Turner instead of WOR, UT
Fri July 9 at 0130, Jeff White explains, ``One-time only. We had an
Internet outage today, but it’s fixed now.``

WORLD OF RADIO 2094 monitoring: confirmed UT Sat July 10 at 0130 on
WRMI 9395, S9+10/20 direct, sufficient but not really a `solid`
signal. Next:

1300 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE
1801 UT Saturday IRRS 7290-Bulgaria to WNW, 918-Italy
1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
2000 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE [NEW]
0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0400]
2000 UT Sunday IRRS 918-Italy
2200vUT Sunday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
2230 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7730 to WNW
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
1330 UT Tuesday WRMI 15770 to NE [NEW]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary
support: thanks this week to Moises Corilloclla, Rego Park NY, for
a check in US funds on a US bank, to:
Glenn Hauser, Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA;
and says, ``Please be assured that I appreciate your job, as you are
one of *the* reliable sources of DX news. I look forward to enjoying
more editions of World of Radio in the next years to come!``

One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds,
to woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7570, July 9 at 0610, this WRMI is OFF, while others remain
on with The Overkiller: 7730, 5950, 5850, 5800, 4980; and at 0616, JBA
carrier on 9955, even less on 9455 & 9395, JJBBA carriers (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. (7489v), July 10 at 0000-0101, WBCQ webcast of `AAAWWW`;
after WTO, first fiddling with microphones, says trimulcasting on
7490, 6160 and 3265; has hardly started when allows a caller to
interrupt, Bill in Wyoming who can copy only one word out of three on
7490 and wants to know about the SuperStition being off. Will get to
that later. Then another call from Tim, the same guy who two weeks ago
was finally cut off when he was quoting Tom Metzger of Aryan
Resistance, objecting to Larry Will`s retort then and rambles on and
on. 0017 Allan starts trying to cut him off.

Then Allan is really pissed about the SS situation; Angela hardly says
a word during the hour except to murmur assent. The big PA tube came
apart and there is no spare. No one has seen anything like this
before. Blames manufacturing defect by Thalès in France. Costs $ 200K.
Does not say anything about it being insured or under warranty as I
have wondered. Looking for substitute/replacement and a new tube is on
order but they are custom-made.

Is fed up too with Windows 10 computer control of transmitter, with no
manual override. Paid top dollar for this stuff and it keeps breaking
down. Manufacturers are passing the buck rather than rushing out to
fix things. *THEY* are working on shutting down WBCQ; won`t say who,
but surely not sister Barbara? Now says the tube costs $ 210K, broke
like cheap glass or ceramic from China. May get Chinese to come and
work on it (?really?). Transmitter has never run right at full power;
Angela implies it`s been at half-power. Can`t get antenna crews in
either despite pay available of $ 1500/day. ``I`ve had it -- burned

0035 another caller suggests that TimTron is not the engineer to
depend on. Allan really blows his top about this, lauds TT as the best
transmitter engineer; but because of health problems he has not been
to Monticello in a sesquiyear; hopes he can visit soon. He got sick
after his last visit, pre-COVID. Cuts off caller and swears at him,
warns everybody not to criticise WBCQ staff or family on the air. (?
Free Speech has its limits). 0039 says the broken tube weighs 200-250
lbs so needs equipment merely to lift it.

At 0049 I check the Rockport, Maine remote, and find VG signals on all
three frequencies: 3265 + 157 Hz at S9+15/20; 6160 -106 Hz at
S9+10/15; 7490 -102 Hz at S9/+10. I continue listening to those
instead of web. 0053 finally datestamp as 9 July YOOL 2021. 0057
admires Jimmy & Rosalyn Carter on their 75th wedding anniversary and
hopes his marriage last as long (? at age 67 +70? = 137, I doubt it).
Time for just a few e-mails, but runs over to 0101.5, cut to Hal
Turner in progress. Here`s John Carver`s version:

``Tonight's show started on time this evening on both 6160 and 7490
with 7490 again having the better signal. Allan and Angela in the
studio. Opening talk about a new mic for Angela. Phone call at 0005
from a gentleman asking about the absence of 9330 lately. Allan said
he was going to talk about that later in the show. Caller said he was
only getting about every third word of the broadcast. Allan then
states they are also broadcasting on 3265 but I don't check as I would
have to readjust antenna tuner and pre-selector.

Another phone call at 0009. Caller was complaining about Larry Will
complaining about him during the program two weeks ago. Then some more
talk of socialists and communists. Finally started to talk about the
problems with 9330 and the tube that went out on the big transmitter.
Allan stated that they had a new tube on order but later said that
they might not use the same type of tube again and were looking into
other replacements. Also said he was considering having the Chinese
build him a new tube.

He mentioned that the big antenna needed some work done on it and so
far the company isn't sending over a crew to work on it.

Allan digresses a bit and briefly talks again about how "they" are
trying to drive WBCQ off the air.

Back to 9330, Allan states that they were looking into some other
transmitters to take up some of the slack on 9330 but no other
details. Phone call at 0035 asks if TimTron had been working on the
9330 transmitter and said that TimTron wasn't the one to work on it.
Allan got very upset, kicked the man off the phone and then had a mini
rant defending TimTron. Said that no one could call and attack any of
the staff at WBCQ or Angela and expect him to stay quiet about it. He
spent some time saying that TimTron was the best transmitter engineer
that he knew of. He also defended his decision to continue to
broadcast Brother Stair. Then a brief about Jimmy Carter's wedding
anniversary and how he hoped that he and Angela could last that long.
Reading of emails at 0057 and quick closing prayer at 0059 and program
was off at 0101. John Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 880, July 9 at 0629-0642+ UT, dead air from dominant signal
which loops N/S, obviously KRVN Lexington NE, instead of Bohannon? who
is on 720 WGN now. Nulling it, am getting praise music in English from
E/W, most likely KHAC Tse Bonito NM, which could even be on 10 kW day
power instead of 430 watts night. And there is Spanish music N/S/ish,
most likely 10/1 kW KJOZ Conroe TX (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Re ``Only I reported WNJC Fourth of July special``, Someone
signing only as Bill replies July 8: ``Glen, I tried for the 4th
special but couldn't get anything here in Syracuse (FN13). We heard
WNJC many times during the winter tests, to the point where I can sing
the jingle ;) I reported that negative result on the WNJC Facebook
group. The FT8 tests were better for me this time around, though Duke
was having some issues with the stringent timing requirements given
his remote setup, and I was able to hear bits and pieces of the CW IDs
during those tests. Bill.``

And Kraig Krist, replies July 8: ``Heard in Manassas, VA beginning at
0044 UTC with bubble up tones. Fast speed morse code, sweep tones and
long tones. Not finished listening to my SDR capture as 10 hours takes
a while to listen. 73, Kraig`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 1540.200, July 9 at 0622 UT, the most obvious off-frequency
het is still there, not bothered to keep logging, long ago traced to
10 kW ``daytimer``, WKVQ, Eatonton GA.

Was checking for KXEL which Artie Bigley laments has started carrying
Brother Scare at 0600-0800 instead of Red Eye Radio; they told him a
year contract but payable monthly; apparently some estate money was
released July 1 resulting in all the expanded SW & MW airtime. But on
1540.0 itself not hearing RER or TOMBS, rather John Denver, ``Wichita
Lineman`` and something else with sports talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Re my FM DX log on 92.9 whether it was SC via Es or NE via
scatter, Rick Dau replies: ``Glenn, being in close proximity to
Lincoln/Beatrice, I can help nail this down for you. KTGL IDs as "92.9
THE Eagle", always including the article in DJ chatter, liners,
sweepers, and legals. Their signal makes it into the Omaha/Council
Bluffs metro with ease. So what you heard was almost certainly WEGX.
73, Rick Dau, South Omaha, Nebraska EN21af`` -- tnx, Rick (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VENEZUELA. 6205, July 10 at 0114, no signal from ROCV into Bonaire
SDR. Jorge Freitas earlier had an unID on 6205 apparent Euro-pirate.
Come to think of it, have not seen any reports of ROCV since May 31.
Is it gone for good? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0353 UT July 10

