CUBA Cuban shortwave radio at 11.33 UT on Saturday April 175024.997 Radio Rebelde Bauta OVER - MODULATED - MUFFLED audio program,
S=9+15dB in Cape Canaveral FL state.5999.999 RHC La Habana, Spanish, via Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW site,
S=7 signal in C.C. and Rochester NY at 11.40 UT.9535even RHC Bejucal 50 kW S=5 poor to fair, -98dBm, at 11.43 UT
9649.999 RHC Bejucal same characteristics,at 11.47 UT.
(8th congress of Cuban Communist Party report, Raul Castro speech,
withdrawal from government)Nothing on 11760 kHz,
nor 11950, nor 15140, nor 15230 kHz.13740 S=1 or -130dBm, extremely thiny, JBA under threshold. Probably ?
73 wolfi df5sx