Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs March 18-19, 2021

Glenn Hauser logs March 18-19, 2021

Saturday, March 20 2021

All MBR frequencies with A.xxx will be active, but these with X.xxx will be

On Fri, 19 Mar 2021, 19:45 Wolfgang Bueschel, <dg1sbn@t-online.de> wrote:

> re: MBR sat feed call A.B16
> BVB Nuer acc WRTH ist at 16.30 on 11875 kHz on B-20 season till March 27 ?
> - - -
> but only A-21 from March 28
> has a request entry yet, in Tashkent, TAC.
> 15300 1430-1500 47,48 TAC 100 236 0 418 1234567
> 280321 301021 Mul UZB MBR MBR 13111 A.B16
> but there is also additional an 100 kW Issoudun entry
> with diferent call X.B16 instead.
> 15300 1430 1500 47,48 ISS 100 135 0 217 1234567
> 280321 301021 Mul F MBR MBR 13110 X.B16
> only vague service from which location
> in which season ? in A-21 total,
> or J-21, or even S-21 from September
> 73 wb
> see MBR in A-21 season
> 9775 1900 1930 46,47 ISS 100 175 0 156 2345 F KRI 13066B.Sahel
> 9810 1900 1930 46,47 ISS 100 175 0 156 2345 F KRI 13071X.Sahel
> 3995 2200 2300 27,28 ISS 100 260 0 146 1234567 Deu F 3253 X.19
> 6095 1000 1100 27E,28 NAU 100 233 0 156 7 Deu D 13031 A.332
> 6140 0800 0900 27,28E MOS 100 270 0 805 1 Deu AUT13035 X.349
> 15315 1830 1900 46S,47SE ISS 250 170 0 216 2345 Hau F 13120 X.316
> 7375 0500 0600 2,3,6,7W,10NAU 100 325 0 216 1234567 Hrv D 3282 X.313
> 9925 0400 0600 2,3,6,7W,10NAU 100 325 0 216 1234567 Hrv D 3309 X.313
> 15150 1700 1800 48SW,58NW ISS 100 144 0 207 7 Kin F 13101 X.Rwand
> 17605 1600 1700 48SW,58NW ISS 100 144 0 207 7 Kin F 13135 X.Rwand
> 5935 1300 1400 27E,28NW NAU 125 233 0 146 1234567 Mul D 3255 A.307
> 5945 0700 0730 27,28N NAU 100 260 0 156 1 Mul D 13019 X.B1
> 5945 0700 0745 27,28N NAU 100 260 0 146 7 Mul D 13020 X.B1
> 5950 0500 0600 46,47 NAU 125 185 0 216 1234567 Mul D 3257 X.Niger
> 5960 1300 1400 27E,28NW MOS 100 299 0 805 1234567 Mul AUT 3260 X.307
> 5990 1000 1600 27E,28 NAU 125 233 0 146 1234567 Mul D 13023 A.307
> 6030 1900 2200 27E,28NW ERV 100 305 0 238 7 Mul ARM13024 X.307
> 6045 1100 1400 27E,28 NAU 100 233 0 156 1234567 Mul D 13027 A.307
> 6055 1030 1100 27,28 NAU 125 222 0 146 17 Mul D 13028 A.332
> 6130 1800 1830 28,29 ERV 100 330 0 158 7 Mul ARM13033 X.B2
> 6130 1800 1900 28,29 NAU 100 100 0 146 1 Mul D 13032 X.B2
> 6130 1800 1900 28,29 ERV 100 330 0 158 1 Mul ARM13034 X.B2
> 6140 0800 0900 27E,28NW MOS 100 270 0 805 1 Mul AUT13036 A.307
> 6155 1630 1730 41 TAC 100 163 0 911 1 Mul UZB13038 A.ind
> 7215 0030 0130 40E,41NW NAU 250 100 0 216 1234567 Mul D 3273 X.333
> 7220 0700 0745 27,28N NAU 100 260 0 146 17 Mul D 13039 B.B1
> 7225 1200 1600 27E,28 NAU 100 242 0 156 1234567 Mul D 3275 B.307
> 7255 0300 0330 39S NAU 250 270 0 146 1234567 Mul D 3276 X.sape
> 7255 1730 1900 28,29 NAU 100 90 0 156 1 Mul D 13040 B.B2
> 7305 0500 0600 46,47 NAU 125 185 0 216 1234567 Mul D 3278 X.Niger
> 7325 0300 0315 39S MOS 300 126 0 211 1234567 Mul AUT 3279 X.sape
> 7330 1000 1100 27,28 MOS 100 283 0 805 1 Mul AUT13041 A.euger
> 7340 1030 1100 27,28 NAU 125 222 0 146 17 Mul D 13042 B.332
> 7425 1630 1730 42,43,44 TAC 100 90 0 911 1 Mul UZB13045 A.Asia
> 9490 1710 1730 38E,39,40W SOF 100 141 15 616 2 Mul BUL13047 A.meara
> 9490 1715 1730 38E,39,40W SOF 100 141 15 616 4 Mul BUL13048 A.meara
> 9490 1715 1745 38E,39,40W SOF 100 141 15 616 567 Mul BUL13049 X.meara
> 9515 1930 2000 37,38 NAU 250 165 0 146 1 Mul D 13050 X.341
> 9520 2330 0030 41NE,43S,49NAU 250 85 0 216 1234567 Mul D 3288 X.320
> 9550 0445 0450 39N NAU 125 120 0 216 23456 Mul D 13051 X.josyi
> 9550 0500 0530 39N NAU 125 120 0 216 1 Mul D 13052 X.josyi
> 9610 1800 1830 39,40 NAU 100 105 0 216 6 Mul D 13054 A.B10
> 9610 1800 1900 39,40 NAU 100 105 0 216 5 Mul D 13053 A.B10
> 9610 1830 1900 39,40 NAU 100 105 0 216 13 Mul D 13055 A.B10
> 9635 1815 1830 39,40 NAU 250 130 0 216 1 Mul D 13056 A.B3
> 9635 1830 1915 39 NAU 125 130 0 216 1 Mul D 13057 A.B3
> 9675 1630 1730 42,43,44 TAC 100 90 0 911 1 Mul UZB13058 B.Asia
> 9680 1600 1630 29,30 NAU 250 80 0 146 7 Mul D 13059 X.345
> 9695 0430 0445 39N NAU 125 120 0 216 17 Mul D 13061 C.josyi
> 9695 0430 0450 39N NAU 125 120 0 216 23456 Mul D 13060 C.josyi
> 9720 1830 1900 37N NAU 125 230 0 216 1 Mul D 13062 X.B15
> 9735 0500 0515 39,40 NAU 250 120 0 216 6 Mul D 13063 A.B8
> 9735 0515 0530 39,40 NAU 250 120 0 216 6 Mul D 13064 X.B8
> 9755 1930 2000 37,38 NAU 250 165 0 146 1 Mul D 13065 B.341
> 9810 1700 1715 39 MOS 100 115 30 218 6 Mul AUT13068 A.B3
> 9810 1700 1730 39 MOS 100 115 30 218 5 Mul AUT13069 A.B3
> 9810 1700 1800 39 MOS 100 115 30 218 5 Mul AUT13067 A.B3
> 9810 1730 1830 39 MOS 100 115 30 218 17 Mul AUT13070 A.B3
> 9860 1830 1915 39 NAU 100 129 0 146 1 Mul D 13072 B.B3
> 11650 0600 0630 46N,47NW,38NAU 125 180 0 146 1234567 Mul D 13075 B.namoa
> 11655 0600 0615 46N,47NW,38NAU 125 180 0 146 1234567 Mul D 13077 A.namoa
> 11660 0500 0600 48NW ISS 250 123 0 211 7 Mul F 13078 X.Eritr
> 11695 1710 1730 38E,39,40W SOF 100 141 15 616 24 Mul BUL13080 B.meara
> 11695 1710 1745 38E,39,40W SOF 100 141 15 616 356 Mul BUL13079 B.meara
> 11695 1715 1745 38E,39,40W SOF 100 141 15 616 7 Mul BUL13081 B.meara
> 11790 1500 1600 41NW NAU 125 96 0 216 2467 Mul D 13082 X.Pak
> 11800 1200 1230 19,20,21,22NAU 250 60 0 218 7 Mul D 13083 B.500
> 11810 1700 1800 38E,39S,48 NAU 100 144 0 218 146 Mul D 13084 X.336
> 11820 0500 0600 48NW ISS 250 123 0 211 7 Mul F 13085 B.Eritr
> 11830 1600 1700 39 NAU 125 128 0 216 1 Mul D 13086 A.meara
> 11830 1800 1830 46,47 ISS 100 167 0 206 1234567 Mul F 3319 A.Niger
> 11830 1830 1900 46,47 ISS 100 167 0 206 1234567 Mul F 3320 X.Niger
> 11830 1900 2000 46,47 ISS 100 167 0 206 1234567 Mul F 3321 X.Niger
> 11830 2000 2100 46,47 ISS 250 167 0 206 1234567 Mul F 3322 X.Niger
> 11910 0600 0700 46,47 NAU 125 185 0 216 1234567 Mul D 3323 X.Niger
> 11925 0445 0515 39N NAU 125 120 0 216 1 Mul D 13087 B.josyi
> 11945 0200 0215 41 ERV 100 125 0 218 3 Mul ARM13091 X.Indie
> 11945 0200 0230 41 ERV 100 125 0 218 17 Mul ARM13089 X.Indie
> 11945 0200 0230 41 ERV 100 125 0 218 1257 Mul ARM13088 X.Indie
> 11945 0200 0230 41 ERV 100 125 0 218 5 Mul ARM13090 A.Indie
> 11945 0230 0300 41 ERV 100 125 0 218 1 Mul ARM13092 X.Indie
> 12015 1800 2100 46,47 ISS 100 167 0 206 1234567 Mul F 3326 B.Niger
> 13580 1300 1400 45 TAC 100 66 10 418 7 Mul UZB13093 A.Japan
> 13580 1700 1715 39,40 NAU 250 125 0 218 7 Mul D 13094 X.B13
> 13590 0700 0800 46,47 NAU 125 185 0 218 1234567 Mul D 3329 B.Niger
> 13590 0800 0900 46,47 NAU 125 185 0 218 7 Mul D 13095 X.Niger
> 13650 1530 1630 40E,41NW NAU 250 99 0 218 1234567 Mul D 3331 X.333
> 13710 1200 1230 19,20,21,22NAU 250 60 0 218 7 Mul D 13096 X.500
> 13750 1800 1900 48SW ISS 250 140 0 217 1234567 Mul F 3333 X.Ugand
> 13780 1500 1600 41NW NAU 125 96 0 216 2467 Mul D 13097 B.Pak
> 13800 1800 1900 2,3,4,6,7,8ISS 100 290 0 216 1234567 Mul F 3336 X.namew
> 13810 1700 1800 38E,39S,48 NAU 100 144 0 218 146 Mul D 13099 X.336
> 15150 1700 1800 48SW,58NW ISS 100 144 0 216 4 Mul F 13100 X.Rwand
> 15205 1200 1300 45 TAC 100 66 10 418 7 Mul UZB13102 X.Japan
> 15205 1200 1400 27E,28 ERV 100 305 0 238 1234567 Mul ARM 3340 A.307
> 15205 1430 1445 41 NAU 250 94 0 218 1 Mul D 13103 A.339
> 15205 1500 1600 48NW ISS 100 125 0 216 347 Mul F 13104 X.eaer
> 15210 1900 2000 38S,39S,47,NAU 100 133 0 216 1 Mul D 13105 X.336
> 15215 1600 1700 4,8,9 ISS 500 300 0 218 1234567 Mul F 3345 X.nusae
> 15235 1330 1530 41NE,43S,49NAU 250 85 0 218 1234567 Mul D 3346 X.320
> 15260 0500 0700 46,47 ERV 300 245 0 218 1234567 Mul ARM13106 B.Niger
> 15260 0700 0800 46,47 NAU 125 185 0 218 1234567 Mul D 13107 A.Niger
> 15265 1400 1430 41 NAU 250 102 0 218 7 Mul D 13108 A.B11
> 15265 1430 1500 41 NAU 250 102 0 218 7 Mul D 13109 A.B11
> 15285 1230 1500 41 NAU 250 89 0 218 1234567 Mul D 3349 X.317
> Tashkent bcast center UZB
> 15300 1430 1500 47,48 TAC 100 236 0 418 1234567 Mul UZB13111 A.B16
> 15300 1430 1500 47,48 ISS 100 135 0 217 1234567 Mul F 13110 X.B16
> 15310 1600 1630 38S,39S,47,NAU 100 142 0 218 2 Mul D 13112 A.B9
> 15310 1600 1700 38S,39S,47,NAU 100 142 0 218 1 Mul D 13114 A.B9
> 15310 1600 1800 38S,39S,47,NAU 100 142 0 218 3 Mul D 13113 A.B9
> 15310 1630 1700 38S,39S,47,NAU 100 142 0 218 7 Mul D 13115 A.B9
> 15310 1700 1730 38S,39S,47,NAU 100 142 0 218 5 Mul D 13116 A.B9
> 15310 1700 1800 38S,39S,47,NAU 100 142 0 218 4 Mul D 13117 A.B9
> 15310 1730 1800 38S,39S,47,NAU 250 142 0 218 7 Mul D 13119 A.B9
> 15310 1730 1800 38S,39S,47,NAU 250 142 0 218 1 Mul D 13118 A.B9
> 15350 1630 1700 47,48 ISS 100 135 0 217 1234567 Mul F 3353 X.B16
> 15390 1630 1700 47,48 NAU 100 144 0 217 1234567 Mul D 3354 X.B16
> 15390 1700 1730 48NW ISS 100 123 0 217 27 Mul F 13121 X.Eritr
> 15420 1700 1730 38E,39S,48 NAU 100 144 0 218 16 Mul D 13123 A.336
> 15420 1700 1800 38E,39S,48 NAU 100 144 0 218 4 Mul D 13122 A.336
> 15420 1730 1800 48SW,52NE,5MDC 250 315 -5 159 6 Mul MDG13124 X.Rwand
> 15420 1800 1859 48SW,52NE,5MDC 250 315 -5 159 7 Mul MDG13125 A.BuCAf
> 15425 1700 1800 48SW ISS 250 140 0 217 1234567 Mul F 13126 X.Ugand
> 15470 1400 1430 41 NAU 250 102 0 218 7 Mul D 13127 B.B11
> 15470 1430 1500 41 NAU 250 102 0 218 7 Mul D 13128 B.B11
> 15475 1600 1800 38S,39S,47,NAU 100 148 0 218 123456 Mul D 13129 B.B9
> 15520 1530 1630 40E,41NW NAU 250 99 0 218 1234567 Mul D 3362 X.333
> 15620 1800 2000 2,3,4,6,7,8NAU 125 300 0 216 7 Mul D 13130 X.namew
> 17515 1600 1830 38S,39S,47,NAU 100 148 0 218 1234567 Mul D 3364 X.B9
> 17530 0630 0800 48SW,52NE,5MDC 125 310 20 158 1234567 Mul MDG 3365 X.BuCAf
> 17535 0900 0915 38,39 NAU 125 145 0 218 67 Mul D 13131 X.A1ag
> 17575 1500 1600 48NW ISS 100 125 0 216 347 Mul F 13132 X.eaer
> 17580 1700 1730 48E ISS 150 120 0 216 23456 Mul F 13133 X.somal
> 17600 1430 1500 47,48 TAC 100 236 0 418 1234567 Mul UZB13134 X.B16
> 17610 1200 1230 43S,44S MDC 125 45 20 157 7 Mul MDG13136 B.chnes
> 17630 1600 1630 47E,48 ISS 500 130 0 217 37 Mul F 13137 X.318
> 17630 1700 1800 38E,39S,48 ISS 100 125 0 217 146 Mul F 13138 X.336
> 17650 1400 1500 41 ISS 250 83 0 216 17 Mul F 13139 B.B11
> 17675 1430 1445 41 NAU 250 94 0 218 17 Mul D 13140 B.339
> 17870 1700 1800 48SW,52NE,5ISS 100 140 0 207 7 Mul F 13141 X.BuCAf
> 17870 1700 1800 48SW,58NW ISS 100 144 0 216 4 Mul F 13142 B.Rwand
> 21455 1100 1200 43S,44S MDC 125 45 20 157 3457 Mul MDG13143 C.chnes
> 21480 1200 1229 49,50,54 MDC 125 70 5 157 1 Mul MDG13144 X.SEA
> 21480 1200 1230 43S,44S MDC 125 45 20 157 7 Mul MDG13145 A.chnes
> 21480 1230 1245 54 MDC 125 80 15 157 1 Mul MDG13146 A.Indon
> 5960 0000 0200 2,3,4,6,7,8NAU 125 300 0 216 1 NldED 13022 A.namew
> 5960 0000 0200 2,3,4,6,7,8NAU 125 300 0 216 1 NldED 13021 A.namew
> 6045 0800 0900 27E,28 NAU 125 240 0 146 1 NldED 13025 A.332
> 6080 2300 0200 2,3,4,6,7,8NAU 125 300 0 216 1 NldED 13029 X.namew
> 6095 0800 1600 18SW,27,28WNAU 100 240 0 156 1234567 NldED 13030 A.332
> 6145 0000 0200 2,3,4,6,7,8NAU 125 300 0 216 1 NldED 13037 X.namew
> 7350 0800 0900 27E,28 NAU 125 240 0 146 1 NldED 13043 B.332
> 9475 0700 0800 27N,28S NAU 125 230 0 146 1 NldED 13046 A.posps
> 9925 0000 0200 2,3,4,6,7,8NAU 125 300 0 216 1 NldED 13073 A.namew
> 9925 0200 0300 2,3,4,6,7,8NAU 125 300 0 216 1 NldED 13074 X.namew
> 11650 0700 0800 27N,28S NAU 125 230 0 146 1 NldED 13076 X.posps
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX" Sent: Friday, March 19, 2021
> Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 18-19, 2021
> > GERMANY. 15300.055V, March 19 at 1439, JBA talk on fluxuating
> > frequency as I try to measure it, roughly 15300.045-15300.064. Nothing
> > in Aoki but EiBi has it: 1430-1500, Bible Voice, Canada, in Nuer via
> > Nauen! to Sudan; also spoken in Ethiopia. Surprised even Nauen has
> > such an unstable transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
> > This report dispatched at 1730 UT March 19
> > _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list
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