Hard-Core-DX.com: Fw: Special program & 2 new downloads: DX FANZINE & European private SW stations -February/March 2021

Fw: Special program & 2 new downloads: DX FANZINE & European private SW stations -February/March 2021

Wednesday, March 10 2021

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

------ Mensaje reenviado ------
De: "info@channel292.de" <info@channel292.de>
Enviado: 08/03/2021 9:07:25
Asunto: Special program & 2 new downloads: DX FANZINE & European private
SW stations -February/March 2021

Occasionally, we run across a new artist we feel listeners might be
interested in. A couple of weeks ago, friend and listener Robert Kipp in
Germany read a newspaper article about a budding German country &
western artist with Austin roots.
Her name is DanaMaria Rühlemann. She’s 27. She’s just released a
13-track CD entitled “Desert Diamond,” inspired by her summers clubbing
in Austin and listening to Stevie Ray Vaughan, Willie Nelson, Emmylou
Harris, and Cheryl Crow.
In the newspaper article, DanaMaria laments not being about to tour and
play in front of live audiences because of the Coronavirus. To help
DanaMaria get her songs heard in Europe and North America, we're pleased
to say that we've scheduled a program of her music on Channel 292
according to this schedule:

Sunday, March 14, 2021
1500 UTC 6070 kHz Channel 292
1700 UTC 3955 kHz Channel 292.
We'll offer a limited edition, NUMBERED eQSL for correct reports. We
might even send out some hard-copy signed QSLs if we feel generous. You
won't know what you'll receive until you send us a report.



Hier stehen die neue Ausgabe des DX Fanzine
und der Liste der europäischen Kurzwellen Stationen
zum Download bereit.
Mit herzlichem Dank an Antonello Napolitano und
Stig Hartvig Nielsen!


Zum Abmelden vom Newsletter bitte eine Mail
von der Adresse, die abgemeldet werden soll,
schicken: in der Betreff-Zeile: Abmelden angeben.

From March 10th until 14th we air a special promo
program for the new CD of DanaMaria, and a one
hour program on March 14th; 1500 UTC on 6070 kHz,
and 1700 UTC on 3955 kHz. This is a special program
of Texas Radio Shortwave.
Detailed times in our schedules.
For this they issue special QSL cards, maybe even as
Occasionally, we run across a new artist we feel listeners might be
interested in. A couple of weeks ago, friend and listener Robert Kipp in
Germany read a newspaper article about a budding German country &
western artist with Austin roots.
Her name is DanaMaria Rühlemann. She’s 27. She’s just released a
13-track CD entitled “Desert Diamond,” inspired by her summers clubbing
in Austin and listening to Stevie Ray Vaughan, Willie Nelson, Emmylou
Harris, and Cheryl Crow.
In the newspaper article, DanaMaria laments not being about to tour and
play in front of live audiences because of the Coronavirus. To help
DanaMaria get her songs heard in Europe and North America, we're pleased
to say that we've scheduled a program of her music on Channel 292
according to this schedule:

Sunday, March 14, 2021
1500 UTC 6070 kHz Channel 292
1700 UTC 3955 kHz Channel 292.
We'll offer a limited edition, NUMBERED eQSL for correct reports. We
might even send out some hard-copy signed QSLs if we feel generous. You
won't know what you'll receive until you send us a report.



Here you find the new edition of the DX FANZINE
and the new list of the European Shortwave Stations
for download.
Thanks to Antonello Napolitano
and Stig Hartvig Nielsen!


If you don't want our newsletter anymore,
send a mail back
from the address that has to be canceled,
and write Cancel in the Concern line.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
Rainer Ebeling

Radio Channel 292
Eja 2
85276 Pfaffenhofen

Zuteilungsnummer der Rundfunklizenz:
BNA 01 95 8482

Tel: +49 8441 - 456 99 88


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